Darth Zangetsu
Super Freak
How hard was it to paint the lips, and what did you use, if you don't mind sharing?
good job.he's so much better with black lips,and that coat hangs much better
Yours looks awesome btw. With the black lips and wireless coat.
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How hard was it to paint the lips, and what did you use, if you don't mind sharing?
Thanks for the info. Did you use a brush or toothpick?
What are you planning?
Got mine as well today, & I'm pretty happy with it. I put a pair of long pegs on it to make him a bit taller. Yeah, I see some of the nit pics about this figure, but to me they're really minor. I got the jacket looking pretty good, and I was happy I could get the bird to stay on his shoulder without the stand simply by stuffing its feet under the jacket collar. Tilting the head down alleviates the long neck. I'll probably have to tighten the long foot pegs up a bit with some super glue. The only mini gripe I have is the guitar strings could be tighter & could actually lay on the neck better but overall, I really like it & I finally have a high quality 1/6 scale Crow figure in my collection. Now where's my damn Robocop?!
Congrats, nice pose.