Hot Toys The Dark Knight Joker DX33-Artisan/Sculpted 1/6 Scale Figure

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The more I see of this headsculpt from convention pictures the more I like it. But these prices I've seen thrown around for the rooted set is crazy. 😆 It all depends on what these head sculpts go for later on will depend if I pick up the rooted or sculpted. Or if I pick it up at all. If these prices are accurate it sounds to me InArt had a better deal even if more expensive over all.

Other evidence how good the sculpt is but the rooted work isn’t that good. With a repaint like this inart could never be this good. But man the sculpted looks more tempting to get this effect. Same sculptor btw.
I think both HT and IA figures look great - some specific elements look better on one or the other and that debate will continue (though I don't think it's worth my time to engage in it). Either is a fine choice and being the proud owner of the IA rooted set, I won't lose any sleep over not having the HT version. If HT had brought theirs out first, I'd probably say the same thing in reverse - or maybe not since I like the idea of another high-end maker in the marketplace and would be more likely to support IA even if I already had the same figure by HT. IA has raised the bar by many notches and there is no way on this planet that HT would have delivered such a top-notch rooted-hair Joker if IA had not entered the scene and forced them to improve.
I’m definitely sold on the sculpt at this point. Still not really liking the hair but it has been looking better in these newer pics and vids. I’ll be very interested in how you rooted hair veterans will make it work. Holy crap the DX11 looks bad by comparison. I haven’t seen that figure in a long time. I was surprised.
I think both HT and IA figures look great - some specific elements look better on one or the other and that debate will continue (though I don't think it's worth my time to engage in it). Either is a fine choice and being the proud owner of the IA rooted set, I won't lose any sleep over not having the HT version. If HT had brought theirs out first, I'd probably say the same thing in reverse - or maybe not since I like the idea of another high-end maker in the marketplace and would be more likely to support IA even if I already had the same figure by HT. IA has raised the bar by many notches and there is no way on this planet that HT would have delivered such a top-notch rooted-hair Joker if IA had not entered the scene and forced them to improve.
I agree, Inart is the best thing to happen in the 1/6 community from a while. They set the bar so high hot toys now is trying to keep up or rather one up their own prototypes. Im just glad there is a division and there are choices instead of inart being the number one joker in the market. The choices make it exciting for collecting.
Most impressive thing about this whole thing. That INARTs production quality holds up and is even better in some regards over Hot Toys prototype quality. Especially in the tailoring, I think INART excels over theirs already.

Before we were wondering if INARTs prototype can even compete/compare with HTs prototype, let alone the production version. Crazy timeline we're in.
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wow joker rooted is like 600+ euro for 1 figure ... insane 🤯

but also the sculpt is like 350 euro damn the new prices are not even fun anymore

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