Hot Toys The Dark Knight Joker DX33-Artisan/Sculpted 1/6 Scale Figure

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If we really want to nitpick outfit Inart looks overall more accurate.

Inart coat, tie, and vest better.

HT coat lapels too wide, tie too dark, vest has no orange weathering.

Pants debatable.

Both blazers are inaccurate. Though HT seems slightly better with a little more blue hue.

HT shirt seems worse.
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Of all joker appearance in tdk, they made another purple coat one.. 😞

If only they make a 2-pack DX rooted/no rooted improved Bank Robber and Police costume, I think it will be easier for me to order....
Not sure if i will try for the rooted version or not. Imo hot toys has never pulled off a good rooted hair figure. Def going for the sculpted hair version most likely. I'm dreading the price though. :blissysmi

Only rooted figures I’ve liked they’ve done was Civil War Widow and the 2nd/3rd iteration of Wanda. It’s long enough and styled to actually look like solid hair, rather than a Barbie who can afford a better wig.
Clearly Inart took years to perfect what they were going to release. Hot Toys could only push it for so long before they have to share what they've created. And it shows.


I am a hot toys collector from the get-go. That's all that there was besides sideshow figures for a long time. Now there are many options and I love it. I still look at hot toys as money hungry.
I wonder if they can capture the detail like Inart did. Hot toys always lack texture on the skin.

Inart did it better.

View attachment 651537

For me the biggest crime from inart is the sculpt being dead. Nothing in it in terms of expression, and the likeness is off especially with those eyes.

Hot Toys just need to refine the hair and it's a clear winner.

Take the coat off the same figure and he doesn't look like a lollipop man.

Sort of hate to say it because Hot Toys aren't great, but they pulled it out with this and Anakin, thank you inart!
For me the biggest crime from inart is the sculpt being dead. Nothing in it in terms of expression, and the likeness is off especially with those eyes.

Hot Toys just need to refine the hair and it's a clear winner.

Take the coat off the same figure and he doesn't look like a lollipop man.

Sort of hate to say it because Hot Toys aren't great, but they pulled it out with this and Anakin, thank you inart!
The small eyes is exactly what throws the likeness off on the Hot Toys version imo. Too small and beady.

Wait do hot toys rip off custom sclupts? I remember a guy i bought a figure off of started going on about that but i thoguht they for sure wouldn't do that
No, they most likely worked directly with the artist (I'm assuming Heise or Yixie) for this project. Probably asked them if they could reuse their sculpt for this so that they don't need to sculpt it themselves.
The small eyes is exactly what throws the likeness off on the Hot Toys version imo. Too small and beady.

These both aren't perfect imo. Certain angles in hand the inart likeness is off

And the hot toys is no better imo. Something is throwing the likeness off and it just doesn't look that good to me.

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