Well articulated response. I agree wholeheartedly. Considering passing on this figure in the hope that we get a force projection Luke figure. Otherwise this might be the best new trilogy Luke we get.
God you are reaching. There is not a single hint of that anywhere.
Why is it reaching? To think the guy who was forced to almost kill his father to save his sister , lost the love of his life at the same time, would become bitter and cynical?
Add to that the years of everyone looking to him for answers and having to hear “save us Luke! Your our only hope!”
I would say the issues is people wanted this mythical hero to continue to be the mythical hero....instead Johnson made him much more realistic....people didn’t like that....they wanted their white night.
I liked the real edge , and PTSD is basically a short way of saying the above....
The guy was tired of the war, the constant saving of people, and the weight of the world and what it did to him.....sick of it all.
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You get what you give. If you continue to make everything about bashing TLJ, then there will always be those out there who will push back and defend it.
Defending something you like is fine. It's even better when you can articulate what you liked about it and why.
Calling other people names, questioning their fandom, making passive aggressive attacks on the other Star Wars films (usually the original trilogy), or lashing out with broadstroke insults just because other people don't like what you like, or in a lame effort to undermine legitimate points of complaint and debate, yeah, not so much.
That said, wondering why those who do out and out hate the Last Jedi spend so much time in merchandise threads relating to characters from the film is a pretty fair and valid question. Seems a bit of an odd way to waste one's time. Still, we're all strange creatures, so to each their own, I guess.
I can see that. Maybe not PTSD in a clinical sense per se but more as an explanation of his behavior.
Let’s see, he saw Obi Wan and Biggs die, among others at the Battle of Yavin. I’m sure blowing up the Death Star wasn’t easy on his psyche either.
Potential love interest blown up in Heir to the Jedi book.
Attacked by a wampa, visions of his friends getting tortured, hand cut off by his own father.
Saw lots of death at the Sarlaac pit, tortured by the Emperor, forced to fight his father again, witnessed his father die.
Saw visions of darkness again in Ben Solo, entire Jedi Academy razed.
If Luke didn’t have some sort of psychological trauma then we would be dealing with a grade A psychopath.
Came to look at comments about the figure.
Walked into some Leia-Jedi debate.
Thread: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker 1/6 Figure ** ONLY for positively discussing the figure and TLJ (proof of a P.O. and minimum ten positive postings in support of TLJ required to post here) **
The discussion in this thread over the past few pages has been civil and not even that far off on a tangent.
You could equally make a point about the reverse - "lovers" spouting their rage nitpicking the TLJ backlash and mocking those who disliked it (which to be fair, there has been WAY more of in the media and on fansites - often terming to them as "fans" with quotations.)
Are there any moderators who can clean it up? Not that there isn't a time and place for movie discussion, but this thread on the actual figures has completely derailed.
Came to look at comments about the figure.
Walked into some Leia-Jedi debate.
Are there any moderators who can clean it up? Not that there isn't a time and place for movie discussion, but this thread on the actual figures has completely derailed.
Sideshow Freaks for ya. But to be fair, the figure is at least a couple months away from release, so naturally discussion will get off topic in the mean time.
I don't think you're getting the point of my comment. I'm saying I don't understand why people take the time to come just tell everyone how much they think the movie/etc sucked if they have no interest in the figure. I don't like Rogue One, but I'm not going into every Rogue One figure thread and talking about how much xyz sucks.
If this were a discussion thread about the film, sure - be negative. But this thread is about a TOY. It's for people who you know, want to talk about the figure. Not listen to a people troll on and on about how much TLJ is a steaming pile of **** or disney raped their childhoods.
Also, I've heard the argument that everyone should be able to post whatever they want because "it's just the same as saying something positive, it's all opinion!" over and over - and it's pretty weak. Especially in a thread that is ... again, not a discussion for the movie - but a figure.
If there's a thread about a kid that is excited to see XYZ movie and can't wait for whatever toy, obviously it's uncalled for to just **** on their excitement and say how terrible it is and how they shouldn't buy it, how it sucks, la de da.
There's a reason "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" is a thing. And again, if you don't like a movie that's cool. You don't have to. But why spend your time trying to make everyone else miserable just because they want to talk about a toy from said movie
The other thing you seem to forget is that this thread deals with a fig of Luke, as played by Hamill, and many fans who didn't like TLJ might still want a figure of "old Luke." I was not a huge fan of TFA at all but got a fig of "old Han" because it's Han as played by Ford, but older. Same goes for Leia. I don't have to love or even like the story they were featured in, but it's still Han, Luke or Leia as older people.
This is a cool looking old Luke for me, and a better outfit than the TFA one. So this idea of "if you didn't like TLJ, then get out of this thread" doesn't reflect the idea that this is "my" Luke, even if I view the story he was seen in as lame.
Yep.. There's a reason there's a movie discussion forum lol.
I honestly don't get why people keep justifying the endless ****posting in figure threads of "x character sucks" or "x movie is ****" by saying it's just their opinion. It's like.. cool, but it belongs in the film discussion thread. This thread is for the people that actually want to talk about the figure itself and have interest in it. But I guess I should just go post in the Jyn thread and tell everyone how much I don't like Rogue One.
I would say the issues is people wanted this mythical hero to continue to be the mythical hero....instead Johnson made him much more realistic....people didn’t like that....they wanted their white night.
I think this is a great figure, regardless of opinions on the movie. It’s really cool that he has such a great headsculpt and I love the additional Jedi artifact accessories. Plus Porgs! I just wish they had included the base that was teased at a few conventions, instead they went with the standard base. Oh well, I’ll have to decide which of the two Jedi Luke figures gets the Ahch-To base lol.
It's just a trait of the Skywalkers. They act to protect what they love most. It went the most extreme with Anakin. But Luke, having lived the first half of his life under the Empire, seeing how it can fester and destroy the lives of thousands? And in one brief second he sees it all coming to fruition again, the galaxy in danger once more? He lights his saber without thinking, on impulse just like the Luke of old. We know it's in the Skywalker blood to murder children. I don't think Luke would, but clearly he must have felt great remorse and fear to isolate himself from everyone.
This is utterly garbage. How doing anything can be in blood?
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