continuing with the bike for a future T-800 figure i might not even get, if my country goes completely crazy and is kicked out of all civilized world.
battery now consists of a dosen elements (approximately) instead of just two, like on Fatboy. it was interesting to put it together. well, not as interesting as it should be, as i don't know what all those parts are, except for plates in acid box ))
estimation of future look.
well, Harley has a more presentable look without question )
the better they will look together.
i'm stuck with joining parts together for now. difficult to guess in what order to glue them - as i mentioned, Fatboy's instruction was a lot better, i didn't have any difficulties with it, despite being a noob.
but the worst part was putting the wheels together. very stupid engineering of parts for a model. i was warned about that through reading model boards, but i couldn't predict how unexpectedly difficult it was to glue them properly )