Invictus Sol
No Life in the Void
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

But yes, totally get what you mean.

Yessss, me and kara are friends again!Exactly. I wouldn't want to have those films tainted in my mind by considering those horrible sequels as part of those stories, even though that's what the creators (or at least some of them) intended. That's why I get P.'s argument, even though I don't look down on T2 in the way that he does.

Why you sonnofa...Sure, T2's a great sequel, and I understand why folks consider them related in the way that Cameron intended. I just don't think it's the only way a moviegoer has to perceive those films.

But yes, totally get what you mean.
With the T-1000 I think you have to accept it in a universe where time travel is possible. I think you're taking that aspect for granted and not really thinking about how ridiculous it also is. Once you do that.....liquid metal man, why not. Its not like he was totally without limits anyway. The film explained them, you even alluded to them in a previous post but for some reason that you didn't elaborate on you discounted them. T-800 and AI are certainly much closer to being plausible but you can't criticise the T-1000 without also criticising the time travel stuff (which began with T1)
What do you mean about 'if T2 had been the last movie'? As far as I'm concerned it was and I'm fine with that.
As I've always said, writing the T-800 as the protector worked once, and once only. I never wanted to see it done again myself. I didn't particularly like that after T2 suddenly Arnie had to be the good guy all the time because that's what the masses liked, never mind internal plausibility or any other considerations. The 'lets go with what earned us the most money before' thing. Yes I hate what Terminator became in response to T2's success. Doesn't mean T2 itself is kiddy crap though....

I agree 100%, P.There were two Terminator movies. Deal with it.)