I was thinking they should have named this guy "Fav Vizla" instead of Paz. Missed opportunity.....
Fat Vizla was another missed opportunity. Or Boba Fat.
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I was thinking they should have named this guy "Fav Vizla" instead of Paz. Missed opportunity.....
Fat Vizla was another missed opportunity. Or Boba Fat.
As pointed out by some people Heavy Armour Mandalorian = H.A.M.
Good enough for me.
After seeing the UK prices of 280+ gbp for this guy I took the plunge and ordered him from timcent for around 200 gbp. With LCDN increasing their prices, buying from European sellers is now very unappealing.
EDIT: Why doesn't the pound symbol work on this site?
Then the Sarlaac would have been chewing the Fat.
After seeing the UK prices of 280+ gbp for this guy I took the plunge and ordered him from timcent for around 200 gbp. With LCDN increasing their prices, buying from European sellers is now very unappealing.
EDIT: Why doesn't the pound symbol work on this site?
So, I am not the only one thinking LCDN increased their prices.
Jon Favreau was only the voice, not the actor for the Heavy Infantry Mando. Tait Fletcher was the actor.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but $280 for this figure actually seems fairly reasonable.
Favreau is the hero we need. I'm so grateful he's involved with Star Wars now. I've been a huge fan of his for years.
So, I am not the only one thinking LCDN increased their prices.
No, that makes 3 of us. And I was all set to use them as a competitive EU supplier. Now they're out unfortunately.
I'll never ever say a negative word about George Lucas. We owe him a lot for the decades of joy his imagination gave us.
I'll never ever say a negative word about George Lucas. We owe him a lot for the decades of joy his imagination gave us.