I wouldn't worry about burning out an LED, they can last for a very long time. Think about all the little lights on all of you electronics. Phones, consoles, mice, computers, tvs, have any of these ever burned out for you?
I've been surprised that since this is out not many have talked about it yet. But, I guess it sounds like not many who have bought have received theirs yet
I think it is a combination of that and a general disappointment for the lack of features on this figure and the abandonment of the license. It's hard to get excited for something like this at this point.
I'm still not convinced HT abandoned this line. We got KF because he was easy. We still haven't had a single figure in a glowing Tron suit. I think when they say a scheduling problem its more of a situation like they have with the Avatar.
Well, considering how long it took them to preview the Avatar figures,
I sure hope that this line is indeed "On Hold"...
So what parts are needed for an additional Kevin Flynn? Meaning what we don't get in the box?