Hot Toys Two-Face???

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That's a slice from a concept Photoshop picture used to aid the visual effects people when fleshing out Two-Face's look.It is NOT the figure.
is that pic cereal? if it is then it looks badass

That pic isn't of the HT figure. It came from here

I cont see how you guys were fooled by that picture for even a second, it looks nothing like a toy, it looks just like what it is, Concept art
I cont see how you guys were fooled by that picture for even a second, it looks nothing like a toy, it looks just like what it is, Concept art

Well to be fair toys are looking more and more realistic. Only reason I knew that Two-Face pic wasn't the HT one was because I had seen it before.



Yeah, I still have that picture saved, it's the first one that we got.

Sadly, it's the only one we've got.

Which raises something, what is Hot Toys using for reference to make this figure, and what are the chances those images will hit the net so we can have them too.
whoever finds the first pic will be in my good graces, can't decide whether i should buy one or not, cash is the tightest it has been in my life but i loved eckhart's performance in the last scene "you think I want to escape from this!?".
lets hope this time they get the sculpt bang on first time round.
Do you think there will be a second variant of this figure ?
Nope, Two-Face should be a one shot deal, unless they did a 2 in 1 later, but that's it.

Here's my checklist for getting only one HT Two-Face, even if the make variants.

1) Quality portrait
2) Coin included
3) Pistol included
4) Suit properly weathered

If this figure delivers on all of those, there is nothing a variant could offer me, so even if they do one I won't care, don't want a Dent figure, and all the necessary accessories would be included in my list.
Here's my checklist for getting only one HT Two-Face, even if the make variants.

1) Quality portrait
2) Coin included
3) Pistol included
4) Suit properly weathered

That's all I need too. I think everyone is so worked up about TDK they think they want a Harvey Dent (undamaged) to pose. I doubt this time next year your undamaged Dent would still be on the shelf anyway. All this 'I want a Honor Guard Joker and a Nurse Joker and a--" is just savage excitement right now that will wane soon enough.

Two-Face is what matters. Burned face, coin, gun and singed suit. That's it. Done.

Better to get someone new -- Scarecrow would be my first choice for the next figure, although I know a lot of people want Gordon. I doubt Gordon will be made.
I want at least one good version of each interesting major character from BB and TDK. I already have my Batman and Joker, now bring on a SCARRED Harvey Two-Face, Sacrecrow and Liam Neeson Ra's, and I'll be good. HT could keep their boring-ass Gordon Lucius and Alfred (though I might be interested in a Michael Gough Alfred if it was made.)