Hot Toys Two-Face???

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I actually appreciate the comments about the coin. Nothing wrong with noticing minute details in accuracy. I think it's a really cool part of this hobby. Being able to make the figure look like a shrunken version of the real deal is part of the artform.

Although I sure won't complain if HT doesn't change it. I'm more concerned/curious about the same things MaulFan is.
I could care less if the coin is accurate beyond being burnt on one side. That's the only vital element. Also, it's very possible that the coin can be loose only. Look at how thin the Joker cards are, and those fit snugly into the figure's hand.
This is great news. The picture of the burnt face looks appropriately grisly (what we can see of it anyway) and I love the coin and the hand designed to hold it. I wonder if we'll get a "I believe in Harvey Dent" button. Bring on Gordon and Scarecrow (hey, he was in the first few minutes) and this will turn out to be one of the nicest Batman collections ever offered.
I totally forgot about the button/badge thing, i hope they throw that in there too also. I didnt even notice the coin either, thats gunna be mighty mighty small detail to study, in real life. a coin, is a coin to me. at least it's looking like a great figure!!!!!
Just when you think you've heard it all. People are now complaining of to many quality figures, brought out to close together.

Two weeks ago all you heard was, .... gee I want Two Face,....if they would just make Two Face,.... Two Face has to be the next figure. Now I hear all this ^^^^ about the wrong coin. Who cares? If you stand a foot away from the figure you'll never know. Why can't we be just happy as hell that we're getting another quality 1/6 figure.

Wrong coin?... Big f'ing deal.

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Sorry I started the whole "the coin is the Schumacher coin" discussion. I just wanted to voice my concern, in hopes HT can fix it. If not, it won't deter me from buying Two-Face. I am going to go crawl into a cave, now (bat cave).
Well, this is a "no second thought about it"-type purchase. This was the one figure that I have been waiting for in this line (well, after the v1 Joker when it was first announced). If it is half as good a sculpt as the Bank Robber Joker , this will be a fantastic figure.
i am really curious to see what HT is going to include in this figure, 2 suits? 2 heads? a gun? I am also dying to see the head sculpts by Yulli. BBTS already has this for $150. Ill wait until i see some pics to decide whether to buy it
I don't see why people are beating him up about the wrong coin... I've seen far worse when it comes to Vader and such! What's the difference between a "wrong coin" and a "wrong color tusk" or "wrong widow's peak"??? Same thing in my opinion... if you want it accurate, then you want it accurate...
the coin is a very big aspect of two-Face's personality and in a way even makes him who he is , all of his major decisions ( mainly deciding someones fate ) lie on the coin.
To get it wrong could be seen as a big problem in alot of eyes.

I'm actually not that bothered personally though. I jut want the man himself. :rock