Hot Toys Two-Face???

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Oh absolutely, wasn't implying a hard customization, just a slight burden for folks wanting both options to have to get a second shirt instead of getting it all in the figure set.

Oh definitely, in reality they should have included new pants as well because Two-Face's were dirty and dingy from rolling around on the floor while on fire.
You guys notice how neat the parting/hairline is where it meets the burned skin? Shouldn't there be a bit more damage there?

Still, it's a great looking figure. The Eckhart likeness is just incredible. I'd buy it just for that.

It was a pretty clean transition in the movie, though in the film, they did have some fraying stray hairs here and there on the burnt side but you can't translate that into a plastic sculpt, especially 1/6.
i don't know what's gonna happen in the future, but i have to say that TDK line from Hot Toys is their finest yet. one or two of these figures HAVE to win awards, i mean...look at them!

once again, HT's TDK line, is without a doubt, their greatest work. probably will be for a while.
i don't know what's gonna happen in the future, but i have to say that TDK line from Hot Toys is their finest yet. one or two of these figures HAVE to win awards, i mean...look at them!

once again, HT's TDK line, is without a doubt, their greatest work. probably will be for a while.

Hmm... not sure I would go that far. I'd say that their own IRON MAN line already gives this one a run for its money. The Mark I, Mark II and Mark III figures are all home-runs as well as masterpieces in 1:6 engineering.

IMHO, I think the IRON MAN line is just as good, if not slightly better especially considering the jaw-dropping technology included. But the TDK line is indeed incredible itself.
Amazing....I don't know how Medicom can compete.

Medicom has its fans but they have been outdone on every front by Hot Toys when they are competing. The only line that Medicom is really shining in terms of licensed film lines is Indiana Jones and that is because A: Hot Toys isn't participating, B: Takara's versions seem to be modern myth and C: Sideshow royally ^^^^ed the license. Their amount in that line though has been impressive considering their announcement was fairly close to SSCs and we have only two from them. :rolleyes:

Hmm... not sure I would go that far. I'd say that their own IRON MAN line already gives this one a run for its money. The Mark I, Mark II and Mark III figures are all home-runs as well as masterpieces in 1:6 engineering.

IMHO, I think the IRON MAN line is just as good, if not slightly better especially considering the jaw-dropping technology included. But the TDK line is indeed incredible itself.

Agree 110%. TDK is phenomenal and worth all of its praise but the Iron Man line will set the bar and be THE line from HT in terms of actual 1/6 offerings. TDK has the Tumbler and BatPod but then again those are 1/6 figures...
Medicom has its fans but they have been outdone on every front by Hot Toys when they are competing. The only line that Medicom is really shining in terms of licensed film lines is Indiana Jones and that is because A: Hot Toys isn't participating, B: Takara's versions seem to be modern myth and C: Sideshow royally ^^^^ed the license. Their amount in that line though has been impressive considering their announcement was fairly close to SSCs and we have only two from them. :rolleyes:
I wouldn't say Medicom is "shining" with the INDY license at all. They're just not coughing it away like Sideshow. Yes, they have announced 5 figures, which is impressive. But out of those only 2 of them are very good... and the real kicker is that neither of those is an Indiana Jones figure (unless you count Young Indy).

Agree 110%. TDK is phenomenal and worth all of its praise but the Iron Man line will set the bar and be THE line from HT in terms of actual 1/6 offerings.
:lecture :lecture :lecture

Both lines are impressive, though.
This figure sucks!!!! F U Hot Toys!!! LoL j/k of course. Actually this figure is tied with the BR Joker as my favorite TDK figure HT has made so far. Bravo indeed HT!!!! Only one question though, is it just me or does the suit look like the same one use for the BR Joker?

I was gonna say the same thing. Still looks awsome.:rock:rock:rock
Holy crap, that really is an amazing figure. Once again Hot Toys proves why they are ON TOP!

I do agree and think they could add some more red flesh tones as well as some slight white for the exposed bone, hopefully Hot Toys will pay attention to the fan's suggestions. Regardless this is an amazing figure with a top-notch Eckhart likeness!!!
Jeebus that looks INSANE! speechless, the only thing it needs is a bit more fleshyness on the black part as someone pointed out, and it is PERFECT. I'd have to say thats the best, character likeness i've seen yet. even outdoes BR Joker imo. They've absolutely NAILED aaron eckhart
Question btw - so is the coin a mould in, into the hand, or seperate? can anyone tell?
Sigh.............another great figure.

HT must visit these board listen to us ohhh and ahhh over their sculpts. Then laugh their a$$ off when they crush our spirits announcing the production date 6 mos from the date of the press release B@st@rds :D