Does the face on yours have any small black little dots? Mine has two, and I think I saw one posted by someone else on here.
Does the face on yours have any small black little dots? Mine has two, and I think I saw one posted by someone else on here.
The issues on mine are some of the little gold studs (especially the ones on the stomach) not quite being lined up properly.
So my figure just arrived and I have to say- he's not that impressive?
I mean don't get me wrong- the sculpt is awesome and the paintwork & proportions are great but he feels too light and fragile. I feel like I could break him just by posing the limbs. Oh well, let's see if this will grow on me after awhile on the shelf. I think I might have set my expectations too high after the sublime Arkham City Bats. He's still the VGM to beat.
i dont have a tutorial per se, but i did tell matt how its done.
gently pry off the 3 armor pieces, i usually take the elbow one off too to make it easier to get the rubber sleeve off. when taking the rubber sleeve off check around every hole and seam for excess glue that could tear the rubber or prevent it from moving. roll down the sleeve from the shoulder and push it down while tugging the wrist portion. alternate back and forth til you slide it down past the elbow and it should come off the arm. take out the 2 screws that are in the forearm and elbow, one is slightly thinner than the other, keep that in mind because the thinner one goes back in the elbow. the forearm should split apart easily and you will have the 2 halves, peg, and upper arm w/ ratchet loop. in the ratchet loop you will see 4 holes around where the cog peg goes through, slice one of them in the middle with an exacto blade to give the cog peg a little extra give when it rotates in there. repair the broken plastic, let it dry, then install the peg back into it and fuse it in place with more glue and let it dry. i use a small file to clean up any extra glue. then, reassemble the arm and test the joint. if all is well then put the rubber sleeve back on and reglue the armors. youll be all set. heres a couple of pictures of what you will be looking at when everything is apart: