Oh yeah, that too :/
75% of my **** is museum posed anyway.
Is that because of space? Or just personal preference?
I don't have as many figures as you probably do, so I can get away with it I guess.
Movement from the waist down doesn't seem like it'll be an issue. The arms, however, are entirely open for debate. What this figure has going for it is a fantastic, jaw-dropping face sculpt and the fact it's from Hot Toys. Against, inaccurate colours, underscale or otherwise woefully inappropriate accessories (an assault rifle? really?) and what I and most other fans of the game would consider an essential accessory being relegated to 'exclusive only, manufactured scarcity tax please' territory.
I'd like to believe that the delay and radio silence is Hot Toys taking on board feedback about these issues and working to fix things ahead of release, but honestly that's probably wishful thinking.
I honestly suspect the only reason the VGM line exists is because Hot Toys don't want any potential competitors sneaking into an untapped marketplace for high-end 1/6 figures, but at the same time they don't really care about video games. It feels like they're just going through the motions with some of these releases, they're technically solid but don't seem to have the same amount of thought and attention to detail that figures from films and other source material Howard and the team love put into them.
The rifle accessory doesn't make any sense at all, I can't even remember it being used in Rising. A watermelon or even the nifty acoustic guitar would have been better choices.