But like you pointed out (I think!?) in the very same movie you have the Elder Predator (WAYYYYY better name than grayback) with no Bio-Mask controlling his shoulder cannon.
not me, it was xenowolf. i just offered an explanation for that - and also for the head tentacles biological function. like that ridge/crown around the skull could contain some additional organ/ganglion, and tendrils growing out of it could be connected to it and serve some function.
1And isn't there also a scene where P2 sees in infra-red minus the Bio-Mask!?
to my mind it was a very very silly mistake, completely destroying the cool effect of P1 taking off the mask and seeing everything not through tech but with his own eyes, under alien sun, in alien air. that was so well done.
that P2 scene can be easily explained with integrated visors, but i don't want to explain it like that and forgive them for missing one of the best scenes in P1.
p.s. i think that "infrared" is actually the original vision of a predator, and blue/rainbow is a computer filtered artificial model of the image, when some parts are enhanced and others are dimmed, translated by predator brain as "blue" for the first and colourful for the second. but that raises an old question of predator ability to see colors. judging by non-matching colors of pieces of their armor suits, i'd say they either don't see colors or don't care about them.
Official promo-material from FOX, back when the movie came out. I had the full sized poster.
yeah i read it all. including "laser cannon" and "hearing channels". the guy who wrote those descriptions probably saw the movie one time before writing them
oh, i promised predator ears, and it's needed for that "hearing channels" comment.
so i always wondered why Winston didn't give predators any visible ear holes - and thought it was a silly design oversight from his side, as he is usually thorough with biological designs.
until Moguchiy H once posted lots of photos about predators that i never saw.
and what did i find on them? a missing detail.
and from P1:
the mask obviously doesn't cover them and cannot transmit sounds to them.
unless somebody wants to call them nostrils/gills

but in that case predator is left deaf again.
I think bio just refers to how they use it breath on other planets and for life support.
hmm yeah, that's an excellent explanation. didn't think of it, but now it sounds obvious.
Which is kind of silly as every pred in every movie has fought on earth, which they clearly have no trouble breathing.
but how well did they feel? to me it looks like the idea was that earth atmosphere can support their life, but is uncomfortable. or is bearable only for a short time. especially judging by P2 movie when he had to spend much more time breathing it - and used a secondary breathing mask at least twice on screen. of course it could contain some steroid narcotics or inhaling medicine instead of breathing mix.