Hot Toys working on an Iron Monger?

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The m3's tiny waist could be hidden if you pose him caught in Ironmongers grip:) ..that is if the figure is able to do that and if it's released.
That is what they said long before the Tokyo event. But I think they've since seen people will pay whatever they ask now. DX Indy being the exception :lol

true, but considering the only thing at the expo was an unpainted prototype, I think it probably still applies.
The m3's tiny waist could be hidden if you pose him caught in Ironmongers grip

Great point, Calcy.

Although having Stane crush the helmet while BD Stark cowers with his gauntlet fanned out would be cool also. The BD Mk. 3 base already mimicks the rooftop.

Look at the scale of the figure on the left of this photo . . . doesn't it seem like HT's Monger would have to be about this large to be in proper scale?


they actually do this, it's gonna be even bigger than the Tumbler!:horror

Awright, so maybe the above maquette is larger than 1:6 . . . you make teh call.
Looks closer to third or quarter scale

but awesome at whatever scale it is :)
Great point, Calcy.

Although having Stane crush the helmet while BD Stark cowers with his gauntlet fanned out would be cool also. The BD Mk. 3 base already mimicks the rooftop.

Look at the scale of the figure on the left of this photo . . . doesn't it seem like HT's Monger would have to be about this large to be in proper scale?


they actually do this, it's gonna be even bigger than the Tumbler!:horror

Awright, so maybe the above maquette is larger than 1:6 . . . you make teh call.

That is a great figure!
My guess is 1:4 using the guy in the pic as a point of reference. Look at the size of his hands.
Although it'd be nice to own this figure just so I can justify still having the IM BD MKIII, I wish they'd just jump to Whiplash's armour as it is the more exciting design compared to the clunkiness of Ironmonger
It's coming. There is NO way they would've made a proto and not capitalize on it, especially when it's from one of the most successful HT lines ever. I for one will be paying whatever the asking price for a HT Monger, as no other piece will be as impressive as this one.
Although it'd be nice to own this figure just so I can justify still having the IM BD MKIII, I wish they'd just jump to Whiplash's armour as it is the more exciting design compared to the clunkiness of Ironmonger
I'm so glad Hot Toys didn't overlook the clunkiness of the Mk.I.

If HT can keep the Iron Monger to the correct 1:6 scale, it has a very good chance of being their most impressive piece in the Iron Man line yet...especially if they figure out a way to squeeze a TT body in there. :bow:yess:
I want the Iron Monger. Its a cool design and should be made. If its not exact 1:6th scale I'm not gonna get all worried. I just want it.
In true 1:6th scale how tall would he be around 20 -24 inches im assuming?
If Medicom can make an armor and have a figure inside, I don't see why Hot Toys cannot do the same.
Simple it's based on the design of the Iron Monger itself. The Iron Monger suit doesn't make practical or logical sense. Look at the thigh portion, a human's legs would practically have to be broken to get in that position not to mention that the piping connecting the legs to the actual torso indicate there isn't an actual human piece there. Obi rode in it as if the front were a cockpit. So it'd have to be amazingly thick in the center and the TrueType would have to be able to be seated knees to chest practically and the controls and positioning would make it difficult to position. Within the CGI world of the film you can ignore it. Look at the shot above of Bridges looking at the suit, no way it's thick enough for him to actually ride in as they intended. Yet he did... Hell Bomber Toys had their Obi separate at the waist to fit inside and make it accurate. I hope HT doesn't do the same because it'd require a specialized TT that would shoot the price up more than it is already going to be considering the massive size of the piece already.
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