I have no interest in looking for an interview that probably doesn't exist. You're just yet another member who insists on posting his opinion as fact. And there is nothing wrong with opinion. Almost everyting I've stated is my opinion.
Really? STFU?
Pretty classy.
You basically called my boy batfan a liar and crapped on his rep. Sorry bro, but that post required a "STFU".
If ever there was a version where I wanted them to absolutely nail Jackman's likeness, it'd be 70's Wolverine.
They don't own Spidey either? Why is that movie getting the works?
Howard Chan, you can no longer fall back on the fact that sucky X-Men movies like The Last Stand are what's preventing you from going ham on this license. Days of Future Past got all of the franchise's ducks in a row, now, it's time for you to do the same. No more playing second fiddle to the Marvel studios stuff, I want to see both Wolverines, both Magnetos, Beast, Raven, some Sentinels; the whole shebang. I doubt I'd buy them all, but I'd love to see them. I'd totally buy the two Wolverines, though, if they could nail Jackman's likeness and give us 70's and super-suit versions.
It does suck we haven't got more out of the X men licence. Hope that changes after the excellent Days of Future past. I really want a Fassbender Magneto!
I wonder if HT would have the skills to make a convincingly authentic Sentinel figure? The past versions, I could see, but Howard would have his work cut out for him with the V2s.
They have some sort of agreement with Sony, something like Marvel get ALL of the income from the toys and Spidey gets free promo from the toys.