Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
I saw a couple of people post this on the Hot Toys facebook page
I made that years ago, when they debuted Charles Xavier. I'd forgotten all about it until I saw it on their page

I saw a couple of people post this on the Hot Toys facebook page
I hope I am wrong, I hate being Debi Downer but following their trends, it doesn't look good for mutant love.
I wonder what it is about MCU movies vs. the X-Men when it comes to HT. We got the full Avengers line-up, SIX Winter Soldier figures, a ton of Iron Man, several Thors/Lokis and yet when it comes to X-Men not even superstars like Fassbender or Lawrence can get them to go beyond Wolverine. I'd love DOFP to get some love, particular 70's/Future Wolverine, Magneto, Mystique, Blink and Quicksilver.
Actually I think they might be pushing forward some releases too make room for either this movie, Spiderman or Guardians of the Galaxy
Disney/Marvel is not gonna give the toy rights for X-Men n Fox thats holding their own movie license away from them
HT does have the X-Men movie license. That's why they can produce Wolverine. And they showed a sneak of XFC Xavier a few months ago. They have the license they just aren't producing the figures beyond Wolverine.
You'll get more Spidey's and Wolverine's and you jabroni's will like it!
They have yet to show any type of toys for DOFP beyond Marvel's minimates.
They have earlier movies, they have yet to show they have DOFP
There's a Marvel Select figure of Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) too.