The people (or person, really...) constantly complaining about the hat seem to only be those who don't have the figure (and some of you, despite your constant presence, seem like you have no intention of ever buying it either - am I wrong?). I'm not saying that you can only complain if you own an item or that I'm against complaining, I just think that perhaps you're wasting your time here and certainly you're ruining this thread for others. It's fine if you dislike the hat, siquisiri, that's been made clear, but there's really no reason for what is basically "hat sucks!!!111!!" after every post. Someone posts that they received the figure and there you are again with your jibber jabber, it's become "trolling" at this point, no? One can legitimately criticise a figure, and debate its points, but right now you seem to be out just to annoy people, to be a ****.
As I said before, I posted of my disappointment in the hat prior to it arriving, going by the pictures we were seeing, but once it arrived, once I could see it in person, I found it perfectly reasonable. It seems like many are in that same situation - there were many who were concerned but so far I don't believe there's been a single person who has received it and truly hated the hat. Very well, you may buy it one day and still hate it with all your heart, there's a good possibility of that, but I think you'd be wise to at least wait until you have it in hand before setting yourself up as the "authoritative" watchdog on this thread. At the very least, why not give it a rest for a couple of weeks? People are receiving this figure now and because of you it's always hat, hat, hat, everyone feels the need to answer your incessant dribbling about the hat. There's more to this figure than the hat and if you just stop whining for just a little while maybe people could get to that...