Sardo Numspa
Super Freak
Speak for yourself. I have a number of very limited items (prob < 25 items made) that, were they to be re-released, or made generally more available, I would not care one iota.
I collect for me, not for what someone else I don't know or care about does or does not have, and I am happy if other collectors who love their tchotchkes get to sit them in a shelf or in their mancaves and get the same level of enjoyment I personally get from them.
I was speaking for myself. I also collect for Me. The title of the Thread is "How do you feel about Hot Toys doing the 2nd run..."
I've just seen so much animosity between members here on this forum, I have a very hard time believing that everyone is so happy for, or care about, other collectors' enjoyment. Also, the collectors that I know, who have several very limited pieces, are very proud of the fact that they are limited pieces. The disappointment if those pieces become more readily available, is the same in almost any industry (cars, watches, shoes, furniture, clothing, etc.), even if the owner isn't a "collector" per se.