How do you rank the Predator films now?

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I just watched Predators and this movie is my favorite from the series. My list goes like this:

1. Predators
2. Predator
3. Predator 2

I love every Predator movie so far and I am happy finally with a movie from the franchise after the AvP 1-2 ____fest.
your one in a million man with that ranking :lol. I could give you at least 20 reasons why theres no way a film that stole so many ideas from the original could ever be better than that original, but yur entitled to your opinion. I will agree with you that you have a great sig though.
1. Predator
2. Predator 2
3. Dead end
4. AVP
5. AVP2
6. Predators

Do you see the pattern here?
The films each got worse with each follow up in my opinion.

Yes there were some good ideas expecially liked the concept of avp but it was let down by some rubbish actors, especially the scotish guy from trainspotting and the lead woman alex.

There were good elements in avp2 but the teen horror element ruined it for me.

Predators was totally unoriginal and a rip off in every sense and I have no urge to see the next film which is already in the works I beleive.
Totally ____e
1. Predator
2. Predators
3. Predator 2 ( To me this wasnt a sequel, rather its own story)
4. AVP 2 (The AVP films were there own story as well)
5. AVP
1. Predator
2. Predator 2 (It's a diferent story. For me it's not sequel)
3. Predators (IMHO - it's worst movie from predators' universe. But its better then AVP)
1. Predator
2. Predator 2
3. Dead end
4. AVP
5. AVP2
6. Predators

Do you see the pattern here?
The films each got worse with each follow up in my opinion.

Yes there were some good ideas expecially liked the concept of avp but it was let down by some rubbish actors, especially the scotish guy from trainspotting and the lead woman alex.

There were good elements in avp2 but the teen horror element ruined it for me.

Predators was totally unoriginal and a rip off in every sense and I have no urge to see the next film which is already in the works I beleive.
Totally ____e

I agree with this dude 100%

but what the hell is 3. Dea End?????
Its very meh. It was cool when I was younger, but now that i'm more into's just ehh.

Great costumes though. Love 'em.