Here's how I imagine things going down: All the initial SDCC Star Wars work went into Kit Fisto. Then when they decided to change their plans and sell Kit to everybody, they went scrambling to find a replacement. Painting Anakin's eyes seemed like a good idea, and I agree. However, it just doesn't seem like they had much time to make this a really elaborate figure. If they had planned him from the start, maybe, but since he is a mid-season replacement I'm not expecting him to be dramatically different from the regular version. Paint the eyes, maybe burn the outfit a little, call it good. While I would love to see an additional alternate crispy head and removable severed limbs, I'm just not sure that they had enought time for that after all the initial work on Kit. I'll keep my hopes up, and we'll all know the specifics in a number of days.
I bet he'll sell out in 3-5 minutes no matter what.