How many prefer OT characters over PT characters?

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I wouldn't mind a few female Jedi, Shaak, Luminara, and Aayla would be great! But I really want to see them expand on the OT haracters a little more. Maybe get a way from Jabba and do some more Empire stuff, or some more of the ANH cast.
Yeah, I'd love to see Sideshow put the PT on the back burner and give more attention to the OT. I have a few of the PT figures, and they do tend to look better due to the robes/cloaks, but I am an OT fan at heart and would love to see some more figures from the classic trilogy (especially Bespin Luke, Ackbar, Wedge, Lando, the droids, and all the armored characters - which goes without saying).
Although I like the entire Star Wars universe I prefer the OT characters. Probably because I grew up with them and have all the memories of pretending I was them when I was playing with the figures.
I've always been a fan of the prequels, minus AOTC.... I mean I grew up with these dam movies!!! but the one I like most is ROTJ.. I remeber watching it ever sunday after morning on fox or something...
In PF form I buy OT only ( and Maul )

In 1/6 I buy just the Jedi/Sith so that's my PT collecting.
I prefer the OT characters because that's what I grew up with and the stories were much easier to follow than the PT movies. I could associate with those characters better.
I prefer the OT characters because that's what I grew up with and the stories were much easier to follow than the PT movies. I could associate with those characters better.

Well yeah, they're based on arch-types, characters we've known our whole lives through story. Yeah the PT had them too, but they were much more forced and not as organic because Lucas didn't want to tell the same story twice, just add on to the first story he told. But that kind of hurt the PT because it couldn't just re-deliver the original formula, and the original formula (hero's journey) of the OT is PERFECT. Plus Anakin should have killed way more Jedi!
The only good characters in the PT for me is the Troopers, love the ROTS designs of em.
I couldn't tell you the difference between Commander Cody, Bly, Gree, or Neyo. Same goes for their subordinate Clone Troopers. I couldn't connect with any of them.

At least the Stormtroopers were more generic. I don't remember Stormtroopers having any specific names watching the OT ..Lucas had to make everything so complex...that bastard!! :lol
At least the Stormtroopers were more generic. I don't remember Stormtroopers having any specific names watching the OT ..Lucas had to make everything so complex...that bastard!! :lol

OT troopers have names too, for example: TK-421, but in the PT there is more interaction between trooper and the rest of the characters, so I think it makes sense that the Jedi call them using nicknames to establish a companionship relation.
Plus Anakin should have killed way more Jedi!

This actually is one of my major problems with the prequels. They're movies, not books, and Lucas did way too much telling and not nearly enough showing. He told us how smart the Jedi were, he told us how bad Anakin was, he told us the Clone Wars were going on, he told us Anakin killed all of the Jedi. I think he could have skipped the first 1 1/2 movies and jumped right into Anakin as a Jedi during the Clone Wars. As it was, the politics were boring anyway.