As someone said earlier, fair enough...... to each his own. Again, I think what's most shocking to me is the cost and what people are willing to pay for a figure. I remember buying all 3 original HT Pred's foe something like 120 a pop and they re released some recently for well over 200 for the SAME figure. Nothing new and nothing different. Same figure, but just 8 years later and raise in cost of 100
There's no two ways about it, the climbing retail prices are getting brutal especially for IM collectors lol. I can't speak for Preds since I don't collect them, but if you've ever seen how many parts go into an individual IM figure (it's in the ballpark of 300 + LED's) it's not so hard to imagine why they cost $250-$350 on avg - a dollar per part and there's your $300. Were the first IM figures cheaper? Yep, no arguing it. However, the craftsmanship on the recent IM figs blows them away, so maybe I'm a little more forgiving of a price hike of $25 or so. Despite the price hikes, Hot Toys is still delivering near prototype level production figures seemingly every release large in part to an amazing manufacturing process no other company seems to be close to replicating and they're priced competitively.
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