I don't own any PFs and I specifically don't buy any for financial reasons - buying even one of them could lead to more and more and more and so on (as was the case with 1:6 figures or indeed any scale of action figure).
But.....it seems to me that some pretty major fan favourite characters end up falling
hugely short of expectations with these PFs. I mean....that T2 BD T-800......I'm
sorry but if anyone thinks that is better than the Enterbay ''doll'' you are deluding yourself. Sometimes it really is that simple. I honestly don't feel there is any scope for subjectivity in that particular case. There is only fact. The PF looks
awful. The strength of PFs is supposed to be that they choose one pose and they sculpt the whole thing in accordance with that pose to make it look as natural as it possibly can. Now, fine in theory. However the pose they selected is.......

what do you even call it. It's not anything. Neither enough to be called 'aggressive' or sufficiently neutral to be called 'museum'. Neither does it look movie accurate particularly.
And that's before you even get to facial likeness and accuracy of the battle-damage - it bares a resemblance to Arnie, I can tell who it's
supposed to be, but that's not huge praise. And the battle-damage is all sorts of wrong, seems like they didn't particularly care about making it accurate.
Tailoring - not great. That T-shirt is awful, it looks like a polo neck....sorry, HT managed far better on a 1:6 dolly.
Texture and paint - again, poor.
So truthfully anyone who says the T2 PF is better than Enterbay's BD T-800 or even Hot Toys DX13 is trying to justify the money they spent. I mean, if you just like collecting PFs then fine, sure, buy it. However there is no way in hell it is superior in appearance to either HT or EB, and it is certainly not better in 'presence' to EB.
I believe at least some of the same points could be made if you compared the Reeve Superman PF to the HT MMS152 and the Keaton Batman PF to the HT DX09.