Something Sexy
Super Freak
I just received my RAH Kiss figures this way. They were in a bigger box with paper packing all around them. I couldn't see keeping the shipper since they only took up 3/4 of the box.
As for taking up only 1/2" more. When you add that all up on every figure, it comes to quite a bit. Also, putting them in larger boxes let's you stack them higher and more uniformly. Sometimes shippers don't always stack even, especially ones that have been stapled on the edges.
I have no intentions of selling my figures. If I was a flipper, then I would keep the shippers.
I guess there is a difference between Sideshow products and non Sideshow products that Sideshow sells. Since from Sideshow I pretty much only purchase Sideshow products their shippers fit the box pretty damn well.