Re: New forum rule
Due to many reasons my last post was a year ago, but before somebody start the "what's your stake at this" let me assure you that I have come to this forum every single day as a visitor and I have seen all the major issues that now are threatening to break apart the whole place and I would like to tell you what I loved about this forum from the others.
When I first find this place that was what this forum was all about, yes there where commissions and castings offered but essentially it was a "look what I did" and "how I can make one" or "my custom 1/6 ~~~~ wip", it was about community, friends and welcoming everybody to the whole "they are not making it then we will", but let's be honest and clear the whole mass marketing or more than 1 for public re-sale IS ILEGAL and Dave as all the right to protect himself from any legal repercussions.
The following is an excerpt from a Hasbro press release a few years backs but it basically the opinion of most companies;
"G.I. has updated tonight with Customizing Guidelines. There has recently been some confusion as to what constitutes the legal resale of customized product and what constitutes trademark infringement. The following guidelines for using Hasbro trademarks should provide some clarity.
1. Hasbro encourages the customizing of individual figures for personal usage, and can be resold as one-of-a-kind, out-of-package figures.
2. All Hasbro artwork, such as card art, cannot be reprinted without permission from Hasbro. These assets contain Hasbro-owned trademarks and logos, and cannot be sold or reproduced without Hasbro’s permission
3. Hasbro owned trademarks such as character names and the GI Joe brand name cannot be used without written permission from Hasbro.
As we look to the future of the G.I. JOE franchise, we want to ensure that the customizing community can thrive while Hasbro continues to protect the brand that it has spent the last 45 years creating. Hasbro will become more aggressive in the legal pursuit of counterfeit product that is being sold in all channels. We appreciate your cooperation with this matter.
Thank you."
Some people is saying that Dave is punishing everyone for the mistake of a few but what you are not seeing is the unwanted attention this is bringing to the hobby, every time somebody said "I will call the cops on him" you are bringing attention to all of us, and yes I do sell customs and don't want my listings took down because somebody made a mistake and the IRS suddenly took an interest in why uncle Sam is not getting his money.
My suggestion is as simple as DinoLast post;
1- Make a custom.
2- Make a thread and post a pic of it.
3- if you like it and want to know more, you PM the customizer.
4- it's out of Dave's hands and everybody’s happy
The WEB is full of space, even free websites, if you don't want the hassle of the PM's just tell people where they can contact you with the right title
"Want to know more about it? Contact me at Bla,"
Sorry if I got a little excited but believe me I have gathered sooo much knowledge from you guys and seeing you bickering over this and the whole CH fiasco as left the forum like a news channel and not as the gathering of artist I have learn from.
I'm done, you can bring the linch mob now.
Due to many reasons my last post was a year ago, but before somebody start the "what's your stake at this" let me assure you that I have come to this forum every single day as a visitor and I have seen all the major issues that now are threatening to break apart the whole place and I would like to tell you what I loved about this forum from the others.
I really don't see what the problem is here?
Somebody makes a nice custom; they make a thread and post a pic of it.
Then if you like it and want to know more, you PM them.
Then it's out of Dave's hands and everybody’s happy
When I first find this place that was what this forum was all about, yes there where commissions and castings offered but essentially it was a "look what I did" and "how I can make one" or "my custom 1/6 ~~~~ wip", it was about community, friends and welcoming everybody to the whole "they are not making it then we will", but let's be honest and clear the whole mass marketing or more than 1 for public re-sale IS ILEGAL and Dave as all the right to protect himself from any legal repercussions.
The following is an excerpt from a Hasbro press release a few years backs but it basically the opinion of most companies;
"G.I. has updated tonight with Customizing Guidelines. There has recently been some confusion as to what constitutes the legal resale of customized product and what constitutes trademark infringement. The following guidelines for using Hasbro trademarks should provide some clarity.
1. Hasbro encourages the customizing of individual figures for personal usage, and can be resold as one-of-a-kind, out-of-package figures.
2. All Hasbro artwork, such as card art, cannot be reprinted without permission from Hasbro. These assets contain Hasbro-owned trademarks and logos, and cannot be sold or reproduced without Hasbro’s permission
3. Hasbro owned trademarks such as character names and the GI Joe brand name cannot be used without written permission from Hasbro.
As we look to the future of the G.I. JOE franchise, we want to ensure that the customizing community can thrive while Hasbro continues to protect the brand that it has spent the last 45 years creating. Hasbro will become more aggressive in the legal pursuit of counterfeit product that is being sold in all channels. We appreciate your cooperation with this matter.
Thank you."
Some people is saying that Dave is punishing everyone for the mistake of a few but what you are not seeing is the unwanted attention this is bringing to the hobby, every time somebody said "I will call the cops on him" you are bringing attention to all of us, and yes I do sell customs and don't want my listings took down because somebody made a mistake and the IRS suddenly took an interest in why uncle Sam is not getting his money.
My suggestion is as simple as DinoLast post;
1- Make a custom.
2- Make a thread and post a pic of it.
3- if you like it and want to know more, you PM the customizer.
4- it's out of Dave's hands and everybody’s happy
The WEB is full of space, even free websites, if you don't want the hassle of the PM's just tell people where they can contact you with the right title
"Want to know more about it? Contact me at Bla,"
Sorry if I got a little excited but believe me I have gathered sooo much knowledge from you guys and seeing you bickering over this and the whole CH fiasco as left the forum like a news channel and not as the gathering of artist I have learn from.
I'm done, you can bring the linch mob now.

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