So what? You can't take the cape off OC Bats without potentially doing serious damage, so you can't use it for Wayne, and you can't switch out the cape for one that doesn't look like poo. I personally would like to have a Wayne and Batman on display, both with this figure as the base. And you don't have to be a Nolan Batman fanatic to want to have Bats AND training Wayne on the display IMO. No more than a guy might want Tony Stark and Iron Man, or Clark Kent and Superman. I don't see how that's OCD, either. What, is it OCD not to want to go up and switch out the version of Batman you have on display whenever you get in the mood to want to look at Wayne instead of Bats? Or if you would like to have both on the same display? They're completely different looks from different segments of the film.The irony is, most people who want that second fig for the above reason already have two OC Batman figures already.![]()
To me, this is precisely the same as Thriller MJ or T-1000. The figure gives you enough for 2 display choices, and many collectors want to display both. Only here, they really can't without skirting Sideshow's policies or paying a premium on the secondary market despite the fact that the figure is apparently readily available in quantities that exceed all those who want one, plus all those (and I'm sure that there are many) who have set up multiple accounts for the purpose of buying extras.