The figure looks fantastic. Even the elements that have been reused from the OC Bats, look better: the neutral mouth with improved paintjob, and the suit with the new awesome matte finish. I planned to make this my first ever flex-pay buy, but I am still hoping to find this on Ebay with decent pricing. What holds me back from ordering now from Sideshow is the shipping cost. International shipping with Sideshow tends to be on the pricey side, but the worst thing is that they won't supply You with the exact shipping cost, until the figure is ready to be sent. Which I dont understand, since the box dimensions and weight are know exactly for a long time now. It kinda ruins the whole flex-pay experience for me, when You know that there is going to be a fourth big payment, but You dont know exactly how big, until its too late to go back. Plus they state the full value, so I would be likely to pay a huge customs bill.
Still the more I look at the video reviews, the more I feel like breaking, and ordering. And the ebay prices are still crazy. The funniest part is, that some people are apparently ready to pay those insane prices, even for listings that offer the pre-order. I would understand paying a bit extra to the scalpers, who had the figure on hand, and ready to ship, but paying 350+ for a october shipping, while Sideshow offers it for 220? Would like to see the faces of these guys, when they find out.