If Black Widow sells with rooted hair like she will. Then Joker will sell with rooted hair. People complaining about rooted hair is but a small percentage of HT overall world wide base.
Don't think so. I think more ppl are accepting of BW's rooted hair b/c it's a female character, (same thing with Babydoll) but with this being a male character I think more folks would object to it. A few ppl had said that Thor should come with rooted hair then there many ppl who reply saying they wouldn't buy of it had rooted hair. Not just talking about ppl here. Even my friends that aren't part of this board but still collect say the same. They don't like rooted hair too much but are more forgiving on female figures
Im sure there will be people that dont buy it due to it having rooted hair, but for every one of those that dont buy it, theres probably 10 others that would take his or her place.
Most likely true just b/c it's the Joker though.
Again people think that the only people that buy HT are people that visit this board. Not so.