carrey really ruined the character of the riddler tlj did the same for two face until i saw aaron eckhart.
Hot Toys should be banned from making more iron mans. They're all the same except the silver ones and the suitcase armor.
Yeah, as is the case with most of the Nolan characters, they didn't have much to do with their comic counterparts beyond superficial similarities. Of the villains, Joker was unrecognizable. Scarecrow was way too normal. Two-Face had potential, but he wasn't really given enough time to develop as a character for us to know one way or the other. Ra's was probably the closest, except that he never started walking around bare-chested.Tommy Lee Jones is horrible in *most* of Batman forever, but in this opening scene for his character, I think he's more Two Face than anyone else ever has been on screen
tommy lee jones > eckhart
I would agree that Jones Two-Face is a bit better than Eckhart. Jones at least had the dual personality. Eckhart was just a mad guy with a burnt face.