Has there ever been this many teasers in this short of period of time for one product? It has to be soon.....right?
erm, it looks almost the same as the dx01=_=. I'd probably just buy the headsculpt off ebay, not gonna pay 200+ for a costume with minor changes:/
oh well then, cause I didn't think they even came close on any release. I have higher standards then most of you guys that will buy every single release they put out.![]()
That's fine if all of you guys were/are happy with those pieces, they just don't do anything for me![]()
In August of 2008 I don't recall anyone having any qualms about their likeness. In fact I'd go as far as saying the Bank Robber Joker was one of the big game changers of 1/6 collecting.
I'm not sure I will buy this. Need to see the head sculpted first.![]()
Your wrong, regardless of everything else a rooted hair is an insta no buy for me, he would look out of place next to the rest of my male figures.
I think it looks good so far, looks like the Why so Serious expression to me.
Having higher standards here on freaks means your a nit picker like me
I agree totally.
Yes I remember that to, I thought the Bank Robber joker was amazing then, now I just think it looks ok, with very little Ledger likeness. I think it was more that the fact was the first Joker not only had zero likeness to Ledger but also Zero likeness to make up application for Ledger's Joker. So of course when we saw the Bank Robber Joker we were utterly shocked because of how bad the first one was, so once we saw something that even remotely looked like Ledger's Joker, we overestimated on how good of a sculpt it was. I look at it now I and think geese there really isn't any likeness to Ledger at all on this sculpt, what was I thinking?
I think the Joker 2.0 will have thinner arms than a TTA
Those of us that have Kato's outfit had to sand down the TTA biceps and triceps to get a perfect fit on the outfit, and that is pretty much as close to Ledger's physique as any body out there.
BRj's headsculpt is HT's best. And looks a hell of a lot like Ledger.
Is that Kato in the teaser pics???