HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Some great pics here.
I have 2 premium format Indy statues and didn't see the need for a figure even if had the greatest sculpt ever ....but the overall package and pics on this thread are swaying me, even if the sculpt is only 70% Ford.
You have something subliminal going on, but I won't get all Freud on you.

Yes. Guilty. I love panties. My shelves are full of TT female bodies wearing nothing but little 1/6 scale panties. Sometimes I make my Indy sniff them. I don't know why. Don't worry about it. :naughty
Not sure these posted before.
From Zhu in BBICN









Pure awesomeness!!
Cannot wait!!!

Just playing devil's advocate here, was the sculpt as you expected or better in hand? Better meaning, more Ford-ish than you thought?

Absolutely better in person than expected (and I was fine with many of the recent in-hand pics). I'd have to go with Billy Ray's comment that Zhu's awesome latest pics best capture what this looks like when you're looking at it in person. Trust me, you won't even bother to listen to those who heavily criticize it yet haven't actually seen it first-hand. It's crazy how much better this thing looks than in 99% of the pics, especially the initial solicited shots of the prototype. It's a strange thing, indeed. Reminds me of a similar phenomenon with some Sideshow products, except this piece looks even better.

Bottom line... this is a great Indy figure out of the box and by far the best 1:6 version of the character made to date (officially, anyway). I'm sure you of all folks will be quite pleased that you decided to pull the trigger at the last minute. :hi5:

I never thought this figure was either perfect or terrible. But I'm most glad to report that after expecting it first-hand it's definitely closer to perfect. (Now watch some spin that as me saying it's "PERFECT!" :lol )
You know, when looking at in person there's no 'eye liner' look at all. It just looks like the natural folds and edges of eyelids.

Agreed! In fact, I totally forgot about the whole "eye-liner" business when looking at it. Out of sight, out of mind... I'm still not big on PERS (in general), but it's hardly the train wreck it was made out to be here.
Absolutely better in person than expected (and I was fine with many of the recent in-hand pics). I'd have to go with Billy Ray's comment that Zhu's awesome latest pics best capture what this looks like when you're looking at it in person. Trust me, you won't even bother to listen to those who heavily criticize it yet haven't actually seen it first-hand. It's crazy how much better this thing looks than in 99% of the pics, especially the initial solicited shots of the prototype. It's a strange thing, indeed. Reminds me of a similar phenomenon with some Sideshow products, except this piece looks even better.

Bottom line... this is a great Indy figure out of the box and by far the best 1:6 version of the character made to date (officially, anyway). I'm sure you of all folks will be quite pleased that you decided to pull the trigger at the last minute. :hi5:

I never thought this figure was either perfect or terrible. But I'm most glad to report that after expecting it first-hand it's definitely closer to perfect. (Now watch some spin that as me saying it's "PERFECT!" :lol )

Your obsevations are acute- confirm to me these bad pics caused a mass hysterical reaction from those inclined to trash it anyhow. :hi5:

SO- where are the whining complainers as enthusiastic in hand reviews continue...??:lol
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The more I'm messing around with this, the more I'm loving it. When you're looking at in real life, it really does look like Harrison Ford. Its not 100% dead on, but its pretty damn close.

Plus the outfit is really good too. The clothes hand naturally with minimal futzing and I'm loving the faux-leather whip as opposed to the old SS rubber ones.
Agreed! In fact, I totally forgot about the whole "eye-liner" business when looking at it. Out of sight, out of mind... I'm still not big on PERS (in general), but it's hardly the train wreck it was made out to be here.

I definitely pulled the trigger on this, with my second CR Supes coming soon from SSC, it's going to be a stretch on my wallet, but as they said in TOD

"Anything Goes!"
[QUOTE SO- where are the whining complainers as enthusiastic in hand reviews continue...??:lol[/QUOTE]

*crickets* :monkey3
Remember when people were worried that Hot Toys wasn't going to tweak the sculpt or fix the high hat??? Ah, the olden days... :rotfl

Of course, some just moved straight on from that to talk of monkey lips, eye-liner and inaccurate nostrils.
Just opened mine 10 minutes ago. Initial reaction...WOW.

Fresh, unfutzed even ungeared photos here. From the box to the table.

And if I'm not mistaken, you were among those initially skeptical of the figure from the early pics. If so, another happily converted after seeing this thing first-hand.

LOL at this thread....there was no doubt this figure was going to good!
Some just need reassurance that they are making the right choice. I've yet to recieve mine personally but there pics that are coming out are constant BIG step in that positive (glad a ordered) direction.

Ya the "battle" between good and bad Indy is pretty much over. It looks good!