HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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My friend got his Hot Toys Indy from Sideshow on Friday and I checked it out in person yesterday.

I have only 1 complaint: That I have to wait a couple more weeks to get mine from BBTS. :tap

As a long-time INDY fan, I am extremely happy with how this looks in person.


Glad to hear it Irish! In the end, all that really matters is whether those who actually get this like it or not.
My TA order is being processed... which means I will have the HT pistol in hand soon.. and can start cranking out accurate Raiders holsters for these figures :)
How do the people that cancelled their pre order and lost their deposit feel right now? there's.. still.. a chance.. to save Han! Or Indy. But I'd jump on it cause these pics are making me wish I could afford multiples.
My TA order is being processed... which means I will have the HT pistol in hand soon.. and can start cranking out accurate Raiders holsters for these figures :)

Here's hoping for a speedy delivery to you... and you know why. Your rig and whip will be the frosting on the cake for this figure. :hi5:
A week or so ago I had written this figure off and wasn't going to get it as I saw the early pics and horrible reviews. But these latest pics, include Zhu's, are just incredible. I will definitely be getting one now. It's become one of my most anticipated figures, what a huge swing a week can be!
How do the people that cancelled their pre order and lost their deposit feel right now? there's.. still.. a chance.. to save Han! Or Indy. But I'd jump on it cause these pics are making me wish I could afford multiples.

So glad I didn't push the big red cancellation button on this one a few weeks ago, I'd be crying into my 15th beer right about now if I would have done it.
How do the people that cancelled their pre order and lost their deposit feel right now? there's.. still.. a chance.. to save Han! Or Indy. But I'd jump on it cause these pics are making me wish I could afford multiples.

A week or so ago I had written this figure off and wasn't going to get it as I saw the early pics and horrible reviews. But these latest pics, include Zhu's, are just incredible. I will definitely be getting one now. It's become one of my most anticipated figures, what a huge swing a week can be!

So glad I didn't push the big red cancellation button on this one a few weeks ago, I'd be crying into my 15th beer right about now if I would have done it.

I think a few months from now there will be a lot of people regretting not ordering this figure...whether they'll admit it or not is another thing ;)
Im not getting this and have no regrets at all (have Superman and Bats on pre-order!, and a possible 1/6 R/C sherman!!)but it seems odd that the same peeps that attack others for critisizing the figure based on pics and not having it in hand, are the same ones that praise the figure based on pics!
Oh well, to each his own.
Im not getting this and have no regrets at all (have Superman and Bats on pre-order!, and a possible 1/6 R/C sherman!!)but it seems odd that the same peeps that attack others for critisizing the figure based on pics and not having it in hand, are the same ones that praise the figure based on pics!
Oh well, to each his own.

So touchy, you naysayers ;) I'm praising it based on the awesomeness of this figure standing on my shelf...and I'm also noticing the pics are starting to get closer to actually representing how great this figure looks in person! But enjoy your Supes and Bats...if its the new exclusive bats, fingers crossed you get a good one...mine's all messed up
So touchy, you naysayers ;) I'm praising it based on the awesomeness of this figure standing on my shelf...and I'm also noticing the pics are starting to get closer to actually representing how great this figure looks in person! But enjoy your Supes and Bats...if its the new exclusive bats, fingers crossed you get a good one...mine's all messed up

When I get my Indy, in a couple of days, I'll definitely be posting pics with him and Supes! HT has never disappointed me in the past, and I know they won't start now, so bring it on! Mr. Reeve is waiting :hi5:
Zhu's pics are UNBELIEVABLE!

Of course then I have to read...

Dude, you and Superman need to spend some time together in the fortress of solitude. Let blue state and red state work things out - you guys are taking a d_mp in this thread every other page and the stink makes even the most incredible pics get all hazy. SO tired of this "we" and "us" and "they" and "other side" ____!




Ok swsqueakquels don't get your panties all in a wad...everyone's gonna play nice just for you buddy...mommy and daddy will stop fighting *single tear* :monkey2
Just opened this up, very nice. I know I'm just adding noise, but the pictures on here really don't do this figure justice. Easily the best 1/6 Indy sculpt and way better than the SS figures.

I'm really starting to love the DX environment stands. First the Bruce Lee and now, the Idol chamber here. It really makes the figures stand out more when displayed with them.

I'm now seriously considering getting another for the Tanis Display too.
Just opened this up, very nice. I know I'm just adding noise, but the pictures on here really don't do this figure justice. Easily the best 1/6 Indy sculpt and way better than the SS figures.

I'm really starting to love the DX environment stands. First the Bruce Lee and now, the Idol chamber here. It really makes the figures stand out more when displayed with them.

I'm now seriously considering getting another for the Tanis Display too.

Do the PERS eyes look like they are wearing eye liner or is it subtle. :pray:
This is easily one of the the best pic of this guy without the hat for the moment. I'm seeing that it´s difficult to obtain a good pic from him.


This pic makes me want to display mine hatless, that would be a first for an Indy collectible for me . :monkey1