HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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My mini-review/first impression:

I got my Indy, he's a lot nicer in person but I'd say be on the lookout for wonky PERS. I had to check three to find a good set of eyes. Also this is definitely one of those where you have to find the likeness, the PERS are a real detriment to the figure itself. Other than that everything is real nice. Box is very heavy but it's to be expected since he comes with a ____-ton of stuff. Oh and one more thing make sure your Aldens are in place (some had gaps at the sole) and that your Fedora doesn't have any glue residue (saw one with some). Those are minor complaints but at this price tag it's something to look out for. One last thought I am thinking about transferring Indy to an Ezio body for more articulation/proper Harrison Ford posture. The Comedian/Wolverine body is too restricting in my opinion. Overall I'd give this figure a B+ to an A-.

Good review, thanks for the warnings.

Gotta watch for: wonky PERS, glue on hat, separation on shoes. That, along with others warnings about unraveling whips and unglued whip holders, etc. Lot of issues inside the box it seems.

HT does great work but people really do cut them a lot of slack on their "issues" -- every figure seems to have some problem: leakage, weak joints, rivets or buttons that fall off the jacket, etc.
HT does great work but people really do cut them a lot of slack on their "issues" -- every figure seems to have some problem: leakage, weak joints, rivets or buttons that fall off the jacket, etc.

I love HT and their work but you hit the nail on the head. If it was anyone else they'd get raked over the coals but that's not the case with HT. Their QC should be held to the same standard as to the level of awesomeness that their product does reach most of the time.

This is how mine will be displayed! Pure awesome :rock
That is Scott Pilgrim, no Harison Ford.


Oh crap, yeah you're right.

:rock Awesome!

I think you pretty much said it with your last line there, Chase. Sculpt isn't as good as some of us had hoped for but the figure itself looks to be damn good as a whole... Of course, I don't have it in hand yet either.... not to mention the fact that you don't respect me because I'm biased and dishonest. :pfft:

Uh, my opinion matters. :mad:

Good review, thanks for the warnings.

Gotta watch for: wonky PERS, glue on hat, separation on shoes. That, along with others warnings about unraveling whips and unglued whip holders, etc. Lot of issues inside the box it seems.

HT does great work but people really do cut them a lot of slack on their "issues" -- every figure seems to have some problem: leakage, weak joints, rivets or buttons that fall off the jacket, etc.

Well, I don't mean to be a prick but again for the price I have to be a stickler. Dollies ain't cheap.

I love HT and their work but you hit the nail on the head. If it was anyone else they'd get raked over the coals but that's not the case with HT. Their QC should be held to the same standard as to the level of awesomeness that their product does reach most of the time.

Right Rusty. :lecture
That's the one! they did that for the Medicom and not HT! :pfft:

What materials Billy are the artifacts made out of.

That ashes container is spot on with the movie! to bad they didn't include the antidote bottle in TOD as well.

Well, this is supposed to be a Raiders Indy, so I guess that's why HT didn't include them. Medicom's is more of an all encompassing version of Indy I guess. To be honest, the artifacts are the best part of that figure IMO.

They are just made our of plastic. The Grail and Nurhachi Urn are the better ones. The Idol is good, but has a dull paint job. The Sankara Stone is ok, definitely looks moreplastic than stone though.
And now some HT Indy quotes from the Medicom Han thread!:dunno Yep, a thread about a Medicom figure (love the Hasbro-esque molded plastic belt... on a $250 fig.)

lol REALLY? they think that POS looks more like Ford than the HT one? They must be smoking some serious plastic in that thread cause I'm seeing Arnold Rimmer from Red Dwarf.

Well, maybe the alternate universe "Ace Rimmer" but either way, all he needs is a big H on his forehead and it'll be perfect.
I don't think that Medi Han looks all that bad, I see a little HF in there, but to me it looks a lot like my brother, circa 1987....same expression and everything :rotfl

Honestly, it's not terrible, but no where near as good as Indy. I don't get why he comes with the breath mask either, I guess from the write up, he is supposed to be an ESB/ROTJ hybrid. If so, where is his Bespin jacket?

Ah well, back to Indy...
HT does great work but people really do cut them a lot of slack on their "issues" -- every figure seems to have some problem: leakage, weak joints, rivets or buttons that fall off the jacket, etc.

That amazes me too. Despite some better photos, this Indy is still a mediocre high-end figure with a clearly weaker head sculpt than Trevor's (Sideshow's).
That amazes me too. Despite some better photos, this Indy is still a mediocre high-end figure with a clearly weaker head sculpt than Trevor's (Sideshow's).

"Oh, there they go. There they go, every time I start talkin 'bout boxing, a white man got to pull Rocky Marciano out they ass?" :lol
I think you pretty much said it with your last line there, Chase. Sculpt isn't as good as some of us had hoped for but the figure itself looks to be damn good as a whole... Of course, I don't have it in hand yet either.... not to mention the fact that you don't respect me because I'm biased and dishonest. :pfft:

Would you prefer I lie and say that I do :dunno
Respect to Trevor and all but can we please stop the comparison game. It's completely subjective and getting old fast. Also a slap in the face to the people who seem quite content with what this HT jones has to offer. The comparison is redundant.

The people what won't let it die should be made redundant!

Quick impressions - headsculpt looks good to me, meaning I see Ford. Not perfection but unmistakable, IMO.

Requires a lot of man-handling in the arms to pose. I agree with Deak, an Ezio body may be a good option.

Also regarding the body, there is great up/down head motion (think nodding "yes") but less motion at the actual top of the neck than I remember on other muscle bodies. I think my wolverine had some motion in the cup that's inside the neck but I could be remembering wrong.

PERS moves more easily than other PERS figures I've handled.

Love the clothes but mine has quite a few stray threads. Not sure if I'm worried about that yet. :lol

I've just barely got him geared up and I'm off to dinner shortly. Just wanted to give a quick report.

It's easy to look at everything through a magnifying glass and see the cracks but when I look at him on my shelf I am very happy with the figure I see there.
