HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Because this is the 'Indiana Jones-in hand images' and we would like to heard from those that have it in hand. Do you? If not, why don't you start a 'Why I hate HT Indiana Jones thread.

Calm down, some of you guys act like someone spit in your face. Its a toy man, forgive me if i offended you and your 1/6 Indy.
and FYI ive never hated the fig, i just think that peeps have a right to voice their opinions on the fig, whether YOU like it or not.
The 3 day processing for AE is lame. If it wasn't for the fact that I got it cheaper through them I wouldn't have ordered.

It is. I usually order from CSC since they get theirs in about a week before AE and the cost is usually the same. Shipping would probably be cheaper from AE for me though. But Id rather have it a week earlier and the little extra shipping.

Thanks Rze. :rock

No problem-o!
You act as if everyone has changed their mind Spindrift?
That is still a substandard Ford headsculpt.
Always was, always will be. It's down to personal taste of the buyer if they are happy with their purchase.

You like it: You win!
Well done mate, I'm happy for you.

Lot's of other people think it's rubbish, your opinion does not make them wrong or trolls for that matter. Infact your post above is about as trolling as it gets. Looking for an argument. Truth is a lot of people just couldn't be bothered talking about this fiasco anymore.

:peace[/QUOT dont know if you have seen it in person if you feel the same way after seeing it then more power to you .....but not so long ago the shoe was on the other foot with enterbays bruce lee you among others were singing its praises i had one coming it took months to reach me ... .i was not looking forward to it even tried to cancel based on the pics which i thought were hand i actually loved it, some pieces you just need to touch , hold and pose:)
Re: HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - cookingmama

These photos makes me feel better!


That looks great Eamon, but it's been shopped quite a bit.
The eyes look very feminine to me for some reason and very glossy, though I am sure it looks better in hand, the glossy eyes without any gloss on the mouth throws it off for me...
Because this is the 'Indiana Jones-in hand images' and we would like to heard from those that have it in hand.
Though I agree with you in theory, the other thread was closed, so there's really no other outlet for the HT Indy talk at the moment apart from hijacking some other thread.

I'm not advocating for anyone to start in with "trolling" posts, mind you, but I figure reasonable people with different opinions should be allowed to have a dialogue here.

Though your post was a bit tongue-in-cheek, a "Why I dislike HT Indiana Jones" thread would probably be hijacked by Indy fans and closed, and segregating opinions into different threads is not a constructive means of trying to promote civilized discussion anyways IMO.
Though I agree with you in theory, the other thread was closed, so there's really no other outlet for the HT Indy talk at the moment apart from hijacking some other thread.

I'm not advocating for anyone to start in with "trolling" posts, mind you, but I figure reasonable people with different opinions should be allowed to have a dialogue here.
That's perfectly fine.

The reason the other thread was closed is because some people really cannot tell the difference between critiquing and trolling or spamming. And, yes, there is a difference.
Though I agree with you in theory, the other thread was closed, so there's really no other outlet for the HT Indy talk at the moment apart from hijacking some other thread.

I'm not advocating for anyone to start in with "trolling" posts, mind you, but I figure reasonable people with different opinions should be allowed to have a dialogue here.

Though your post was a bit tongue-in-cheek, a "Why I dislike HT Indiana Jones" thread would probably be hijacked by Indy fans and closed, and segregating opinions into different threads is not a constructive means of trying to promote civilized discussion anyways IMO.

Yeah, I know. Just that when the same people keep saying the same thing over and over it's no longer just a different opinion. I get it, not everybody like it. Express you opinion and move on. Why hang out on a thread about a figure you don't like. What's the point? What do they hope to accomplish? Trust me, I ignore a whole lot more then I reply to, lol. And I didn't really think anyone would start a 'Why I dislike HT Indiana Jones' thread. Like I said before, it's not perfect, but It's the best for now. There was a time I wished i had the Toys McCoy Indy. But now will have this one and it's a lot nicer, IMO. :peace