HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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So who was getting their figure today?

Ooo Ooo Me! Me! Id say any time around 4-5 pm I should be getting that knock at the door!! :panic::panic::panic::panic:

Woohoo!!!! Just opened it up! Absolutely LOVE IT! :yess:

Here's an initial pic...I almost feel ashamed posting it with all the great pics already posted...


Man I cant wait!! Glad you like him, Butters!! :clap:clap
Re: HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - cookingmama

Wanna share my friend's idea and creative story.
Wish it can put a little smile on your face.
Don't be stressed. Have fun.
Originally Posted by cookingmama



Really awesome! I must admit that shot of Bean waving at the camera creeped me the F- out! I thought it was a real person's face Photoshopped in there or something! Freaky!​
Re: HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - cookingmama


Really awesome! I must admit that shot of Bean waving at the camera creeped me the F- out! I thought it was a real person's face Photoshopped in there or something! Freaky!

Very true! I had to do a double take.
with flash on

with flash off

The figure itself is great. The head sculpt does take some work to get the look you want because of the PERS. My Indy's eyes look like they set too far back and it is harder for me to get HF out of this head sculpt. He is there though. If I had to give this figure a score everything would get 5 stars except for the whip and the sculpt. The boots are absolutely awesome.
So I have heard that no company owns the likeness to Harrison Ford, is that true? Is that why the sculpt is off?