HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Just fooling around...


Can't you be serious for one sec?! :thwak

:lol j/k Fantastic pic man! :clap
Got mine today!!

Boy was I and others on here really wrong about this figure. He's flippen brilliant I think. He looks so good in hand man! All of the stuff you get is just great and My girlfriend put the theme music on Spotify while I was opening which made it feel like a proper event.

The trick is to tilt the fedora a little down and to the right. ;)

Absolutely delighted with this figure I must say. Haters you have been proved wrong.

Having this guy on with 80's Batman and Superman is gonna be so cool!
All I need now is Mad Max!!







This is my WIP HT TOD Indy, still futzing with stuff. Using the old Sideshow shirt since I didnt have the heart to cut up the HT one. Lol anyway, will be looking at painting blood and bruising and dirtying up the clothes more. Ordered a Sankara stone from the Medi Indy for him to hold...should have it in about a week! Really loving this figure! After starting this look I see more Ford as TOD than I do in Raiders. Enjoy!

Glad you like him and I wish I felt the same.

I got mine yesterday and spent a long time looking at it but just can't see enough of Ford in the sculpt to make me like the head sculpt. For some weird reason, the likeness REDUCES when the hat is worn on the head. This SHOULD have made the likeness stand out even more, but in reality - the hatless head seems to be more reminiscent of Ford's appearance. :dunno

EVERYTHING else is absolutely superb (even the Fedora is way cooler than it appeared on the proto figure).

It's win win win...with the exception of the head sculpt in my opinion.

This is the first Hot Toys figure I've owned and I am blown away by the quality of the packaging, acccessories, detailing etc. The clothing is far superior to Sideshows larger PF clothing and the paintjob on the head is incredible.

It's all of these things which make the disappointment for the head sculpt harder to deal with. They nailed everything except the most important part - namely, the likeness of the actor who played the character in the movie. I sincerely hope that Hot Toys have another go at Indy (maybe TOD Indy) and fingers crossed - those of us who don't like this head sculpt could "upgrade" to that one if it turns out more successful than this.
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Thanks Toylion ! I will be removing the thread when I post edit as the shots are straight from my camera ! Wow I just looked at your collection in Slide-it's amazing one of the best i've ever seen and congratulations ! I saw everything from the Lone Ranger to the Cygirls to Superman and very more awesome military and Star Wars too !

I don't have the space for detolf but here's my Flickr link where you'll see most of my collection in photo's !

Thanks. Most of those photos are a few years old, when I had my own house. Don't have as much room now, so a lot of them are put away. Have all the detolfs and the other two glass case in my bedroom now. Also own a lot more Hot Toys now. Most of the Sideshow Star Wars are still in their boxes too.
:thud: Wow! Fantastic photos. Where did you get all those backgrounds? Now that's a huge collection. Love the The Herculoids - Lost Planet. Grew up watching them.
Got mine today!!

Boy was I and others on here really wrong about this figure. He's flippen brilliant I think. He looks so good in hand man! All of the stuff you get is just great and My girlfriend put the theme music on Spotify while I was opening which made it feel like a proper event.

The trick is to tilt the fedora a little down and to the right. ;)

Absolutely delighted with this figure I must say. Haters you have been proved wrong.

Having this guy on with 80's Batman and Superman is gonna be so cool!
All I need now is Mad Max!!

Glad you loved it man! :hi5: Congrats on this fantastic figure Eamon. :clap
This is my WIP HT TOD Indy, still futzing with stuff. Using the old Sideshow shirt since I didnt have the heart to cut up the HT one. Lol anyway, will be looking at painting blood and bruising and dirtying up the clothes more. Ordered a Sankara stone from the Medi Indy for him to hold...should have it in about a week! Really loving this figure! After starting this look I see more Ford as TOD than I do in Raiders. Enjoy!


Good work!! Makes me want a TOD Indy from Hot Toys even more. :rock
:hi5: Thanks! I will take better pics when I get closer to having him finished. I dont normally paint my figures so Im not sure what kinds of paint to use to get him all beat up.

Cool. Lookin' forward to it.

Hmm yikes that's risky. Try to ask some advice from the professionals first before man-handling him :lol Good luck mate! :wink1:
SS's site now says Indy is sold out. I doubt Hot Toys made very many of these since not a lot of people pre ordered Indy. Bet they made three times as many Batman/Bruce Wayne figures. It's still in stock at SS.

I was told they made 800 Batman Bruce Wayne figures does anyone know if this is accurate and while we are on the subject does anyone have an idea of how many DXs are produced, particularly this one?
I was told they made 800 Batman Bruce Wayne figures does anyone know if this is accurate and while we are on the subject does anyone have an idea of how many DXs are produced, particularly this one?

Pretty sure it was 800 per show, but that was before Sideshow was able to offer him for a 2 week pre-order window. So at this point its anybodies guess how many were made but I'd imagine its in the 1,000s.

As for other figures HT does not usually release that information. The closest we sometimes get is if there is an exclusive we might know how many were allotted to Sideshow and Toy Hunters.
Heading out now to pick up mine today! Getting a second one. AE comes tomorrow but I guess I just can't wait that long. Besides 2 is always better than one ;)

Will post pic and first impressions later tonight.
I would have thought the DXs would be less than the MMS'. I don't think they have a fixed amount though I think it's based on pre-orders maybe??
I'm working on something similar Rzeznikk, cool pics, you have a great start there.
I would recommend acrylics.


Thank You. Youll have to show pics of yours when you get around to finishing yours. :)

Good work!! Makes me want a TOD Indy from Hot Toys even more. :rock

Yeah Im too impatient to wait and hope that HT Does a TOD Indy. ANd this one looks to me fitting the bill just fine! :hi5:

Cool. Lookin' forward to it.

Hmm yikes that's risky. Try to ask some advice from the professionals first before man-handling him :lol Good luck mate! :wink1:

Yeah I def want some more advice on techniques and what nots before I start. I dont want to butcher him! :lol