HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Lots of terrific shots on this thread. Nice work, all! :clap

I'm very happy with my Indys, too! (Got some spare parts from TA and a TrueType and put together a Map Room figure.)

I've been okay with the likeness from the beginning, but once I got him in-hand I was more impressed than I thought I'd be. It's not a perfect figure, of course, but it's a lot of fun. It's an 85% hit for me. (With a few points off for the pricetag, the damnable shirt collar, non-essential PERS, and a jacket that I'm not too enthusiastic about.)

But, on the whole, there's a whole lot to like. The Map Room outfit, the pants, the shoes, the shirt, the packaging, the hat ... even the likeness (for me, anyway).

I was a little surprised, though, that he didn't come with any ungloved fists. Odd. Particularly for a guy who does so much punching. :lol

But overall, I'm quite happy with this purchase!

Hopefully, though, any future Indy universe releases will be straight-up MMS figures. Some of the DX fixins are nice, but I'd prefer to see some non-DX releases that really focus their awesomeness on the figure itself.

The collar isn't that bad if you wet it and form (Press) it with your fingers.
Anyone having problems with the gloved hands? Particularly the right glove that looks to hold the whip. It doesn't seem to want to stay on. I've yet to play to much with it but for a couple pics it gave me some trouble.

They like to pop off mine, too. They stay on once I pose them but I can't turn them or position them without them popping off.
Anyone having problems with the gloved hands? Particularly the right glove that looks to hold the whip. It doesn't seem to want to stay on. I've yet to play to much with it but for a couple pics it gave me some trouble.

Yeah, mine kept fall off. I just pulled the jacket back and pushed the glove on, the wrist pegs are pretty big. Those seem to be the ones they use with the muscle bodies. Like T800 pegs.
Ya I was having the same problems, mostly with the right gloved hand. Just decided to put them back into the box and be done with them for the time being. Wasn't sure if it was just my figure or just me?
Natural daylight looks the best! I finally got a bright sunny day

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Got Indy today, gotta admit I'm feeling pretty mixed about him so far.

I really like the clothing and accessories, but the body is not a good choice (since I plan to always display with the jacket) and I'm still not a fan of the head sculpt.

I haven't had much time to mess around with it, so maybe I'll change my feelings but initially I'm kind of meh. I will say that the jacket is much better in hand than I expected. It seemed too look very shiny and bulky in photos, but in hand its quite nice.

Not sure if I like it more than the Sovereign Studios, but with some weathering it might be close. After I get off work I'll be swapping the body and trying a few different combinations to see what I can come up with.
Nicely said mate! :)

I'd buy this guy.. if I could afford him. :monkey2

Too many things already on P.O right now..

I feel ya. We are all being priced out now days. You have to choose really very carefully. Lot of great options though! Thats the good thing. I'm sure what you are getting will equal the enthusiasm most share here for this figure.
I haven't had much time to mess around with it, so maybe I'll change my feelings but initially I'm kind of meh.

I kind of felt the same way at first once I pulled him from the box. Almost an anticlimactic feeling. But like others have said, as you play around with him, you start to appreciate more. It needs to be posed and have the gear on to really see it. It's not like Joker, Batman, Superman where he's fully the character right out of the box.
Got Indy today, gotta admit I'm feeling pretty mixed about him so far.

I really like the clothing and accessories, but the body is not a good choice (since I plan to always display with the jacket) and I'm still not a fan of the head sculpt.

I haven't had much time to mess around with it, so maybe I'll change my feelings but initially I'm kind of meh. I will say that the jacket is much better in hand than I expected. It seemed too look very shiny and bulky in photos, but in hand its quite nice.

Not sure if I like it more than the Sovereign Studios, but with some weathering it might be close. After I get off work I'll be swapping the body and trying a few different combinations to see what I can come up with.

I kind of felt the same way at first once I pulled him from the box. Almost an anticlimactic feeling. But like others have said, as you play around with him, you start to appreciate more. It needs to be posed and have the gear on to really see it. It's not like Joker, Batman, Superman where he's fully the character right out of the box.

I second this.
Yep, not to mention not having that much time as I'm swinging by UPS before I even get home :lol I will agree out of the box its definitely the best production figure of Indy, but I think a few things can be tweaked.
Yep, not to mention not having that much time as I'm swinging by UPS before I even get home :lol I will agree out of the box its definitely the best production figure of Indy, but I think a few things can be tweaked.

That's a fair, level-headed assessment. And I agree. And that's a far cry from "disaster" and other such apocalyptic terms that were used to describe this release. :lol
Yeah, not a train wreck by any means and honestly just from the few minutes I had with him I'd say from the neck down he looks great. Just hoping the head grows on me more after I have more time with it.

But if not I've got other alternatives I can mess around with. Definitely a good (if not slightly overpriced) base to work off of.