Super Freak
I think the SS sculpt looks bloated and waxy. HT kills it even with the repainted it still sucks.
I think the SS sculpt looks bloated and waxy. HT kills it even with the repainted it still sucks.
hell if theres a bandwagon i am on it......think the SS head is a whole lot of self delusion and back slapping but hey if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.... no harm
Yeah I'm one of the few on here who can't stand the SS sculpt...
You are not alone.
Thanks brother!I've mentioned it before and was treated like leper
That makes three of us.
Our numbers grow...soon we will be many
hell if theres a bandwagon i am on it......think the SS head is a whole lot of self delusion and back slapping but hey if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.... no harm
yeah I agree...to each his own, and that's cool, it's just that whenever anything negative is said about it or if you don't agree that it's the definitive Indy sculpt and way better than HT's, you're treated like you're crazy.
Maybe we are crazy. Maybe we are the ones who are blind and can't see the true potential of the SS sculpt. Maybe if everyone's head were two sizes too big we would all live in a wonderful sideshow world full of sunshine and rainbows.
Or maybe not.
I think the SS sculpt looks bloated and waxy. HT kills it even with the repainted it still sucks.
When my SS Indy arrived my Medi Indy went back in his box.
When my HT Indy arrived my SS Indy went back in his box.
While the HT is the least favourite of my HT figures, I think he's still the best available off-the-shelf Indy.
That lets a little of the air out of your praise, doesn't it?When my SS Indy arrived my Medi Indy went back in his box.
When my HT Indy arrived my SS Indy went back in his box.
While the HT is the least favourite of my HT figures, I think he's still the best available off-the-shelf Indy.
Agreed...try as I may, I cannot see HF in the SS sculpt, regardless of the paint job...In hand, I can see HF in the HT sculpt. It's not perfect, but its there.
HT Indy and First Avenger Capatain America vie for bottom spot in my collection.
Yes, the sculpt's not perfect, the jacket is awkward and the holster's wrong. But I still prefer those aspects over the SS counterparts.
The Prometheus body was also loose, though he never actually fell over it always seemed a possibility.
Sometimes I see Harrison perfectly in the HT, and other times barely at all. Yet the chubbyness (and scale) of the SS became very apparent when HT arrived.
However, I always thought that the SS was leagues ahead of the Medicom, which was a mistake buy. The Ebay seller advertized the Medi KOTCS version but sent the ROTLA instead - but as it was only £39.99 I decided not to complain. Was never happy with him though - skinny body, awful sculpt, plastic belt, holster and orange turd whip!
As did I.
Many people say the same thing about the HT sculpt. "it's not perfect"? The heated discussion surrounding that headsculpt - varying from tentative praise to mocking and dismissal - would fill ten volumes.
So don't try to pass the HT headsculpt off as much better than the SSC effort from 3-4 years ago. It isn't - both have problems, both can be vastly improved with repaints and other work, but neither is close to perfection. Both look positively AWFUL under certain conditions.
This same conversation flares up and dies down over and over - and the joke is on everyone, because no one has a perfect Indy headsculpt. Yes, it is a matter of preference which you like.
Just don't dump on Trevor Grove's work. Until recently a contributor to these forums, he consistently comes closer to capturing HF better than any other sculptor.
That you did...yours was my inpspiration though, seeing yours again, I think I need to work on the head wrap some more.
A lot of the defense for the SS comes from "What we could have got" versus what did get.
As people have mentioned Trev's SS sculpt is actually pretty good, but thats not what we got is it? Nope. HT is best out of the box Indy we have gotten so far. These figures shouldnt need repaints to get to where you can see the likeness. They should be there right out of the box.I dont think there is a lot of people/collectors out there willing to drop the extra cash to have sculpts repainted. Im happy with the HT version since it is the closest to a real life paint job. SS to me feels way too much like a toy/doll/figure. But like others say "to each their own."
Those above shots of HF next to the SS sculpt only prove my point. The eyes look lifeless and it looks like it could be his stunt double. But again, its all a matter of opinion. Those who like the SS sculpt will defend it until they die. I will still pick HT's until the perfect sculpt is produced...if that ever happens.
Same can be said for the HT headsculpt.
I think a lot of people just subconsciously repeat "but it's HT... but it's HT... but it's HT..." rather than looking at what they have in-hand.
Using the HT Sparrow as a near 10/10, what do you give the Indy? A 9? An 8? Look at the reams of discussion about it - my guess is that the consensus is a bit lower than that on the HT scale.
People - and I mean a lot of people - shouldn't have to take a scalpel to their $250 figure to remove guyliner either.
After the Joker (a focus of obsessive interest) Indy has to be one of the most customized HT head sculpts. That says something, doesn't it?
To say that it is "there right out of the box" is not really true for quite a few people at least. We saw many people - who appeared to be casual collectors not seen in these threads much - asking how to do the guy liner thing.
Yep, it's all a matter of opinion and quality of eyesight.(I say that only because you are DUMPING again...)
Some people drop the $250, and it renders their eyesight not 100% impartial.