HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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I wonder when this thread gonna be closed too and mods will open a new one w/o the possibility to leave any kind of comments about any pics.
Meh, too clean.

Needs to look like he just commandeered the convoy truck carrying the Ark.


Hate to say it, but I agree. Plus so far I'm not really digging the cloth band around his hat.


Just checked out the movie. HT messed with the belts indeed.
The pants' belt is fabric, right. And the second one is leather with shining metal buckle. Right again. BUT! They both are brown. Very dusty and dark, but definitely brown.


And one more shot!


It seems to me that they've got this mistake from the original painted poster:


So here is my question to Hot Toys and Sideshow:
Gooosh. :gah:

Glad that I have an old SC Jones, so I could reap the belts form there.

PS I'm not 5 years old, I'm already 7. :lol
Just got this and I have to say that some of the pics are making this look worse than it is. It is by no means an Grand Slam and I know a lot of buyers will say "I want it to be a Grand Slam." If you don't like it don't buy it.

I think the PERS ruined what was to be a Grand Slam.

If I had the extra time I'd take pics of him, but I don't so we'll leave it to the board members who have more time.

If you can get it for less than cost, it might be worth it to you.
I'm a fan of the little things. Like that his belt buckle is actually metal and reflects the sunlight in those pics. I gotta hand it to Hot Toys, they don't scrimp. . . most of the time they go overboard. . . but they don't scrimp.
I'll see what I can do for my fellow freaks... not sure how to post them though.

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the web belt I believe is maroon. The holster and belt are the wrong color, the holster's the wrong size. The boots are too dark. Thewhip is the wrong color, and the jacket doesn't fit right. I'm sorry, give me ____ all you want but for $250 I want it to be perfect. I didn't even mention them all. :dunno:
Oh and I do like this fig, but I don't love it, and like I said for $250 I better love it.