HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Here is another pic of my Indy, more of a casual shot with flash.

What do you think of the jacket compared with those really expensive custom jackets?

And is the big shirt collar futzable or a bigger "fix" - i.e. tape etc. like faststreets?

The holster looks much better in your pics than previous ones.

I can't really compare the jacket to any of the custom ones as I don't own any. I will say it is more leatherlike than the SS jacket, and not really much thicker. Much thinner than either the Medicom or Relic Hunter jackets. Pretty sure that the zipper is non working, though it does look like it.

The shirt collar is futzable, I didn't really futz anything yet though, he is still pretty much out of the box, just geared him up. I did adjust the PERS slightly before I took these last pics.

I was really surprised how good the holster turned out. I really thought it would be a straight flap across the top, like the SS one, but when you get the pistol in there it takes on that angled shape. It is too dark for the Raiders holster, and a little too long. The slot in it, that the blet slides into, it angled as well and gives it that classic slant like in the movie.

I noticed the jacket looks like it has a slight ribbing pattern in your closer shots. Is it just the pic? or is it noticeable in hand?

Yeah, I see what you mean, but it's not that way in hand. May be just a weird reflection or something, but I am looking at him right now and don't see it.
it is.

it's unbelievably good!!!!!

is it a 100% mini harrison ford?? no. But it is an AMAZING 1/6th Indy. AMAZING detail... beautifully made... out of the box fantastic!!!!!!

cannot say enough.

So here's what I came home to today...

<object width="160" height="120" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="160" height="120"></embed></object>

Yup, a Hot Toys mailer box full of bed sheets!

Copy & paste the link instead.
I don't know....I think this figure looks ____ing amazing. If you don't like it, don't buy it, shut-up and leave.

I looks good, but not enough to pay $250. Im glad you think its amazing, but i dont see anything wrong with being critical of hts sculpt. True that some have gone overboard in their critque of the fig, but it is a public forum for BOTH yay and nay sayers
I kept telling people SS Indy's head was hideous and way too big, but no one would believe it. :wave

Hideous? No. Too big? Yes. As is most of Trev's sculpts for some reason. Shrink that bad boy down a bit and it's near perfect.

Craze, your last pic really shows it off. I just hope I get one that I think looks just as good in hand as that.