I really want this thriller version, but I am a little bit on the fence because of seeing the original proto pics and the actuals.
For those who have bought it, are you happy with the purchase overall? I know some people have talked about adding a little eye liner and whatnot, but I'm not sure if I want to risk the chance at making a mistake.
Same would go for Bad!... I'm holding out on it because $180+ is just too much for what I get.
I think the figure is very nice, I just don't think it should be priced higher than other figures, especially when it comes with less than them.
Rather than paint you could start with a charcoal stick/pencil for drawing or even an eyeliner/makeup pencil if what you mainly want to do is darken/shade areas. With that you could try out things easily and presumably wipe it off without any trouble. I haven't done this before though and so I don't really know, I'm just guessing.
I'll give it a try on my African American TrueType sometime to see if it works. It'll come in the mail in a few days.
where did you order your truetype from? i cant seem to find any in stock
I had curiosity and searching for Mj repaints I have found this
I have already talked about this guy before in this thread. His work is amazing
By Noel Cruz
Sorry for the strange bump of this old thread.... But did anyone ever contact this guy to see if he would paint heads for us?