no more new pics in like a week damn
In your experience do you think HT could improve the face/head sculpt of the Thriller figure?
I'm a rookie in this kind of figures (my collection is basically based on the Kenner/Hasbro Star Wars figures and some NFL 12"ers as well), I had never bough a 12 inch figure valued in 200 dollars (MJ Thriller hopefully will be the first - I just preordered) and now I'm very interested in getting the Jack Bauer and maybe in the future the Joker/Police that is also incredible!!
Ah man, It's always cool to hear someone's going up to the next level in this hobby. I still have some of the Hasbro stuff which I cherish for nostalgia, but all the new Sideshow and especially Hot Toys stuff is just amazing. I actually have stopped collecting the 3 3/4 and 6 inch stuff to give preference to the 12" scale (actually I still buy some of the smaller scale but just very few and I really have to like them a lot in order to buy them). Yes, the price is higher, but I prefer one well detailed figure than 50 little guys with bad sculpting, no soft goodies, limited paint application and no detail.
Also, check all the cool customs that a lot of members here have made. They are incredible! I have comissioned/bought a few and am very happy to own these figures.
So, with all that said, welcome to the club!
I still can't believe people want a 'better' face sculpt?! WHAT THE HELL people, talk about ocd picky. The thing is perfect and probably the best 1/6th MJ ever made, just because you may prefer the proto expression over the smile head, doesn't mean it needs a completely new head sculpt altogether!