Super Freak
Re: Hot Toys MMS Justice League Batman Tactical Suit Figure
Now the standard cowl ears looks like mix of the BvS regular and armored.
Now the standard cowl ears looks like mix of the BvS regular and armored.
For toys and money. Nothing more. Affleck must really be regretting listening to Snyder's pitch now.
"I hate it so everybody else hates it too!" Ridiculous.
When the press visited the Justice League set last year, several people said changes in the suit were made because, in the film, Bruce Wayne realizes he's fighting a tougher enemy now and needs extra protection (like this article: https://www.cinemablend.com/news/1528100/how-batmans-2-new-justice-league-suits-will-change). You can think the changes are horrible, but there's a legitimate, story-based reason behind them.
Yes, companies want to sell new action figures, but does anyone really believe that Hot Toys wouldn't make a JL Batman figure if his costume didn't change? Actually, keeping a figure as close as possible to a previous release is cheaper, because a company can use existing templates and molds to create it. I collect Playmates Star Trek figures. One of the Will Riker figures I have has these battle damage rips in his uniform. A Riker figure that was released later is wearing a different uniform, but Playmates used the same mold and just painted over the rips. For them, that was the cheaper option. What's the big difference between HT's BvS Batman and Suicide Squad Batman, besides a faceplate and a pair of handcuffs? There doesn't seem to be one, but HT tells us the figure is coming. It being almost identical to the one that came before it doesn't seem to be a problem for them.
Wonder Woman's JL costume doesn't seem to have changed. I'm sure we'll be getting another figure. Superman's JL costume doesn't seem to have changed. I'm sure we'll be getting another figure. And I'm sure HT will make a lot of money off them.
Anyway, in summation, saying, "The greedy bastards just want to sell toys!" every time you see a costume you don't like is not a good argument. You should feel bad for making it and we should feel bad for having listened to it.
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The armored one looks like Owlman from the Watchmen
I don't feel bad. I feel pretty good. Your reply came across as childish and immature. In fact, you should hook up with another member here. You would definitely get along.
I think you mean Niteowl II. And yes, I agree. Snyder did that movie too. Wouldn't be surprised if he lifted some "inspiration" from it.
Fortunately, I have BvS and just a little bit more of it in Suicide Squad to enjoy so far the best Batman suit.
One of the things I give major props to Snyder is his eye on details.
But I feel he is suffering from the same thing that Nolan did in trying to overdo his previous attempt.
During Nolan's time, I thought BB was the best suit, then the overcomplex suit of TDK didnt even look like Batman anymore aside from the ears. Even the Bat chest emblem gets lost in the complex design. For me personally, the TDK suit is one of my least favorite batsuit.
I understand having to change suits cause Batman does that in the comics when he needs to, but he always change to his regular suit.
I think the floating ab and shoulder plates kinda ruin the nice design of the suit. I understand they said Batman needed to hang with the big boys so he had to add more armor...hence...tactical suit.
But after that he should be back to his regular suit.
Yes, they always have to change some thing or two for toy design, but the changes should have been like Superman's MOS suit to BvS suit.
Where in the beginning, you even have to look at the two suits to figure out the differences.
I think Snyder is doing the same thing that Nolan did..."How can I top the last one"?
And in doing so is going over the top.
I just read your comment, Remy, and I have the same thoughts re: TDKR Bale suit. Locally I'm part of the minority who likes the Begins suit more, and considers TDKR one of my least-liked live-action suit. Sure, Lucius Fox explained what it does, and Lindy Hemming explained how convenient and comfy it was for the actor, but as a Batman suit it was least convincing to me. Alex Ross's quote on super-heroes comes to mind: the more realistic you make them the less believable they become. To me, that suit made Batman less the Batman I know I'd be afraid of if I were a baddie hiding in the dark. I'd take that suit for some other street-level vigilante, but not for the urban legend people are afraid to find out if real. But yeah, perhaps Nolan was trying to show something else, so...