This suit is growing on me. Don't love it as much as the BVS suit but it's not as bad (I think) as some people say it is.
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I agree with you and that Alex Ross quote 100%. The only things clearly Batman in TDK suit were the cape and ears of the cowl. The rest could just as easily be an advanced military outfit. I don't mind the world around the heroes being realistic to a degree but the characters themselves should be as close to the comics as possible. This is escapism after all, I can get more realistic characters in other genres.
I just read your comment, Remy, and I have the same thoughts re: TDKR Bale suit. Locally I'm part of the minority who likes the Begins suit more, and considers TDKR one of my least-liked live-action suit. Sure, Lucius Fox explained what it does, and Lindy Hemming explained how convenient and comfy it was for the actor, but as a Batman suit it was least convincing to me. Alex Ross's quote on super-heroes comes to mind: the more realistic you make them the less believable they become. To me, that suit made Batman less the Batman I know I'd be afraid of if I were a baddie hiding in the dark. I'd take that suit for some other street-level vigilante, but not for the urban legend people are afraid to find out if real. But yeah, perhaps Nolan was trying to show something else, so...
Whatever. I pick it up either way because it's freaking Batfleck.
love your sig mike
I think it's an endless cycle. New armour design gets leaked → discussions on how it sucked/looked bad → movie releases → hey, suit's growing on me! → starting hunting for figure Next DCEU/ MCU movie. Rinse & repeat.
Still not liking the new tactical suit, especially those awful goggles. On the plus side the regular suit underneath looks a much lighter grey than we initially thought. Flash looks good and Superman's colours look much brighter this time. Cyborg looks okay but it really needs the full light up features through LED's to really look the part. Hopefully HT can find a way to nail that.
I agree with you and that Alex Ross quote 100%. The only things clearly Batman in TDK suit were the cape and ears of the cowl. The rest could just as easily be an advanced military outfit. I don't mind the world around the heroes being realistic to a degree but the characters themselves should be as close to the comics as possible. This is escapism after all, I can get more realistic characters in other genres.
i have to agree the BvS suit is the best suit we've seen on screen and IMO the warehouse fight is the best Batman fight we've seen on screen so far even if the movie wasn't well received.
i have to agree the BvS suit is the best suit we've seen on screen and IMO the warehouse fight is the best Batman fight we've seen on screen so far even if the movie wasn't well received.
That's what you get when you are not reinventing the wheel and just play some game from Arkham series![]()
Would definitely be my next HT pre-order. Love this suit. Always thought the Arkham Origins suit would look great as a live-action suit, and this one looks very close to that game's main batsuit, particularly the design of the shoulder/bicep and torso armors and those thigh sleeves that look like chaps.
I just hope none of the rubber plates and straps would be made of TOO FRAGILE materials though.