HT original Predator- photo thread

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Omg, omg, omg. This mask is going to be perfect. Sorry, TaylerDurdem, but Baloo's blows yours (one of which I own and do love) out of the water.

Three questions, Baloo. Will you be fully finishing them with a paint application? Also, how much will one of these cost, and how long will you be offering them for? I've spent too much money recently and won't be able to afford it for at least a few months.
Omg, omg, omg. This mask is going to be perfect. Sorry, TaylerDurdem, but Baloo's blows yours (one of which I own and do love) out of the water.

Three questions, Baloo. Will you be fully finishing them with a paint application? Also, how much will one of these cost, and how long will you be offering them for? I've spent too much money recently and won't be able to afford it for at least a few months.

I think he said $65 shipped? Or was it $56 shipped? :lol I don't remember and I don't care. I'll pay for whatever he asks. I need to have that bio for my P1. Just like the TD bio, it is a must have! And if baloo adds the light up feature, it will be worth every penny.
You are well right: I have to stop!

To keep yourself busy maybe you can work on another Predator Bio after the P1 is done? I've been asking Alejandro about the Scar Bio but he seems to be too busy. Will you take the task on and make us a movie accurate Scar bio? I can send you a spare Scar head and bio if you need.
Omg, omg, omg. This mask is going to be perfect. Sorry, TaylerDurdem, but Baloo's blows yours (one of which I own and do love) out of the water.

Three questions, Baloo. Will you be fully finishing them with a paint application? Also, how much will one of these cost, and how long will you be offering them for? I've spent too much money recently and won't be able to afford it for at least a few months.

Thank you for these good words! :bow
.... But it would be nice if everyone makes the effort to read a little the thread (this would avoid me repeating myself and so I could advance a little faster on the mask, you see :wink1:).

:lecture But to answer quickly:

- Yes, there will be a version "ultimate" (painting / lighting / wiring / and everything and everything), as well as "less worked" versions (simpler painting even without / without lighting nor cable). There will be thus a choice!

- No panic for deadlines: not only it is not question to make only a single edition, but besides... I am far from having finished!

Now, for more information: wait until it is finished, friends! :pray:

Thank you again for this general enthusiasm which, really, I did not expect!... :hi5:
(I who was thinking of making my little mask in my little corner, quiet: well... Failed! :lol)
To keep yourself busy maybe you can work on another Predator Bio after the P1 is done? I've been asking Alejandro about the Scar Bio but he seems to be too busy. Will you take the task on and make us a movie accurate Scar bio? I can send you a spare Scar head and bio if you need.

:lol Mhhh... Why not, but let's wait this one finished! :wink1:
Thank you for these good words! :bow
.... But it would be nice if everyone makes the effort to read a little the thread (this would avoid me repeating myself and so I could advance a little faster on the mask, you see :wink1:).

:lecture But to answer quickly:

- Yes, there will be a version "ultimate" (painting / lighting / wiring / and everything and everything), as well as "less worked" versions (simpler painting even without / without lighting nor cable). There will be thus a choice!

- No panic for deadlines: not only it is not question to make only a single edition, but besides... I am far from having finished!

Now, for more information: wait until it is finished, friends! :pray:

Thank you again for this general enthusiasm which, really, I did not expect!... :hi5:
(I who was thinking of making my little mask in my little corner, quiet: well... Failed! :lol)

My apologies, but I did try to find the information. There are just so many posts about this mask that it's difficult to filter through it all. Please don't feel obligated to respond to this post.

Heck, this biomask project of yours probably deserves its own thread.
Mother____er! :lol:lol:lol
(I specify that I joke... And it is said affectionately, otherwise I would not allow myself... :monkey3 :1-1:)

:lol I know bro. The multiple :lol gave it away. So any estimate on when the P1 will be finished? Not trying to rush perfection. Just curious on when we get this masterpiece and when we can see you start a new project.
By the end of this week, I should have finished the outside.
The inside should take me no more than 2 weeks.
Then I'll send the prototype to Alejandro, so that he makes the mold and start copying. I'll ask him only one copy first to make sure everything is ok and I'll end it completely.
So I think in a month we will begin production and the first models should be dispatched to 20 November (this year! :wink1:).
By the end of this week, I should have finished the outside.
The inside should take me no more than 2 weeks.
Then I'll send the prototype to Alejandro, so that he makes the mold and start copying. I'll ask him only one copy first to make sure everything is ok and I'll end it completely.
So I think in a month we will begin production and the first models should be dispatched to 20 November (this year! :wink1:).

Damn I cant wait baloo:panic: I'll take the ultimate ultimate:wave
By the end of this week, I should have finished the outside.
The inside should take me no more than 2 weeks.
Then I'll send the prototype to Alejandro, so that he makes the mold and start copying. I'll ask him only one copy first to make sure everything is ok and I'll end it completely.
So I think in a month we will begin production and the first models should be dispatched to 20 November (this year! :wink1:).

Very nice. I look forward to it.
By the end of this week, I should have finished the outside.
The inside should take me no more than 2 weeks.
Then I'll send the prototype to Alejandro, so that he makes the mold and start copying. I'll ask him only one copy first to make sure everything is ok and I'll end it completely.
So I think in a month we will begin production and the first models should be dispatched to 20 November (this year! :wink1:).

You are working hard like the bee! Just dont prick the raw paw
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