HT original Predator- photo thread

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Yup, that's the one. That's TD's bio originally. Gee.. I didn't know this was still up on ebay, after he promised TD that he'd stop. :(

posted them both in P1 and P2 threads. really nice guys.
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Yo, Thierry.
Don´t get frightened by this guy. That´s an absolute work of art, drooling hectoliters of awesomeness.He doesn´t comprehend what´s behind such a piece of work.

I know now, at least a little, cause of my wip of Kratos and it´s hard, damn hard and if I get just almost as good as guys like you, Seb or Silent Surfer...then I´m happy...really.

Everyone that appreciates your effort on this piece and gotta sense of realism will either grab outta your open hand, after you even started to slightly open it and leave a bundle´o money, or just state:"Dude, respect...awesome work, but over my budget.", like A-Dev or others...and that´s cool...personal opinions and resources just do limit things.

That´s justice on both sides...every other guy that start´s naggin´ just has no idea.

Keep your cool, all will be fine and if I´d have a P1 I´d have PO´ed and stayed, whether the price would´ve increased, or not.

Hope that eases a little.
God bless.
@P.: I think that it misses... A fraudulent erzats of Alejandro's mask made by ashkanls! That's right? :lol
... Or probably mine... :D

@EndoSickness: Thank you for this beautiful outpouring of gratitude, Timo!
It's always nice to see efforts rewarded... Already invested so much time... But it takes shape, and soon the end my friends!

... But what's this story: you don't have the P1 figure?!
My buddy, you'll have to remedy it quickly! :wink1:
... I just take a quick glance:
$395... $420... $443... $500... $526.72... $589.61!!! :thud:
Unbelievable... There, I better understand your disarray! :(
Hi guys, sadly i have to thinner my collection so i have an original predaotr for sale.
All accessories included and in original box with a tyler durdem mask included.
... Maybe Seb could keep it warm while you're rebuilding your financial health? :dunno
... Seb?
... And then, eat less of sauerkraut and put yourself on a diet "noodle"! :lol
It´s not Sauerkraut time over here.^^
And I´m also not bad on money, but not good either and I have no means the next months to increase my money.
And, how much would you take for the P1, Seb?
Perfectly mint and all?
"Ouch" comes to mind...