Yo, Thierry.
Don´t get frightened by this guy. That´s an absolute work of art, drooling hectoliters of awesomeness.He doesn´t comprehend what´s behind such a piece of work.
I know now, at least a little, cause of my wip of Kratos and it´s hard, damn hard and if I get just almost as good as guys like you, Seb or Silent Surfer...then I´m happy...really.
Everyone that appreciates your effort on this piece and gotta sense of realism will either grab outta your open hand, after you even started to slightly open it and leave a bundle´o money, or just state:"Dude, respect...awesome work, but over my budget.", like A-Dev or others...and that´s cool...personal opinions and resources just do limit things.
That´s justice on both sides...every other guy that start´s naggin´ just has no idea.
Keep your cool, all will be fine and if I´d have a P1 I´d have PO´ed and stayed, whether the price would´ve increased, or not.
Hope that eases a little.
God bless.