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Great job baloo! Your work is amazing.
Thanks my friend! :bow
Amazing work Mr. Baloo. It never gets old coming back here and still being amazed at the work your doing with this mask. :clap
And compliments from my buddy Sir Microcebus will be always a real pleasure! Thank you! :duff
I would let Baloo decide his price according to the work and materials involved and to the market request and customers possibilities. He knows the best what to ask for the mask to have everyone satisfied.
A lot of time put into it or not, I think baloo enjoys doing it :wink1:
Mask looks really good.
Thanks! :hi5:
@a-dev, toyrewind, Furious1, and everybody :1-1::
I cannot prevent you from approaching this tariff subject because each is free of thought or words, but I think whether it is neither the place, nor the moment.
To make "short" (I have already approached the subject with certain friends via PM quite a lot of time ago):
I had quoted a price of $65 (post ≠2585), a little bit hastily, it is true, because pushed by the collective enthusiasm. I thank everybody for this craze because you all gave me the motivation to exceeding myself.
As it is a first experience for me, I've made errors for sure. Initially, I did not wish to approach the pecuniary question as long as the mask would not be ended... I would have had to keep it.
I thought of being quieter when I would have quoted a price, but it is the opposite which it is produced!
I did not well estimate the time which I was going to spend on it, nor correctly integrated the foreign exchange rate...
It's my fault, and I apologize for it.
Things also evolved professionally speaking. If at the beginning I did not want to make profit with my creations, since, the economic necessities caught up me. I am still unemployed, but without any financial help.
My purpose was never, and will never be (because it is in my nature) to try to want to swindle whoever. But it is necessary to recognize a thing: the time which I would have invested in this mask will never be able to be taken into account in its totality, at the risk of reaching indecent price.
That's why I had intended to propose several trim levels. This, I have already spoken about it (see my post ≠2809).
Thus, those like me who do not roll on gold should be able nevertheless to have one of it.
I do not know what may be of interest ashkanls that address this kind of question ... I have not forgotten what happened with Alejandro...
Yet what he says is very true in many ways.
It will require that, Alejandro and I, we do a test of duplication (or more if necessary). We'll see if all goes well, and if not we'll see, but let's do not anticipate.
Please be kind to let me finish the prototype calmly, then we'll be able to solve the problems of mold and duplication, and there, we will see more clearly.
Thank you for your understanding, friends!
well, baloo already warned us that there will be 2 variants of the helmet - regular and extreme. prices will depend on it, i think.
i would prefer extreme variant anyway.

just don't let him get it :)
he continues selling them in different variants even today.
well, baloo already warned us that there will be 2 variants of the helmet - regular and extreme. prices will depend on it, i think.
i would prefer extreme variant anyway.

just don't let him get it :)
he continues selling them in different variants even today.

Hedoes? I never knew that was what he was casting.
well, baloo already warned us that there will be 2 variants of the helmet - regular and extreme. prices will depend on it, i think.
i would prefer extreme variant anyway.

just don't let him get it :)
he continues selling them in different variants even today.

Oh, now I get it. He wants the price to be high so he could sell the recasts with a higher price, which would have to be with a lower price than the original. :nana:
I said yes initially because I had seen the price quoted as $65 which I thought was a good price for me as a buyer but perhaps it wouldn't be a good price for Baloo as the maker and seller.

If the price goes up to a degree that I'm unwilling to go along with I'll just quietly walk away, its not for me to judge because I have no idea the work and time that goes into this sort of thing.
No mater what the situation is, I will still support Baloo in this masterpiece. I noticed people are getting upset because of a couple of suggestions of a higher price. Baloo has confirmed that the price will be resonable, even if it goes to 100, isn't it a good cause? Baloo is a parent and unemployed, which I can vouch for how hard it is because I'm in the same situation. Let's move foward, no more talk about prices, untill the product is done and the price comes from Baloo himself. You people don't realize you keep arguing about prices, he might just shut the project of casting all together.
No one was arguing. Price only came up when someone, not Baloo, suggested that he should be charging more. So a few of us said 'well OK, but I would have a cut-off point'.
Yes you are tru a please I was not singling you out. I apologize if you felt I was. I value your point too. I just wanted to let people know that no matter if you buy, or not this is about supporting ballo on his craftsman ship, as in motivational comments as in good job, I like how it is coming out. I did not clearly mean no harm.
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An artists sets his/her price, whatever the market will bear, and what THEY deem fair. The individual collector chooses to purchase or not.

Let's not turn this into a charity case argument, let's keep it business-like.

I would imagine that the aforementioned "artists" would appreciate that.
for me the prices of Baloo are honest, unlike the absurd prices that offers the Hot Toys when is selling many models that do not resemble the characters from the films, at least the prices of Baloo Custom are justified by the of his fidelity
I support baloo all the way and I understand his point and where his coming from. Anyway, if it ends up that I can't afford it, like a-dev said, I too will just quietly walk away. Still it's an awesome mask! :)

@predalien Do you have a larger version of your avatar? The predalien's pose there looks so cool. :D
Just got back from vacation a day ago and saw the new pics of the interior of the baloo p1 bio. Again I had to rub my eyes and realize that I'm looking at a 1:6 p1 bio. The details are astonishing. I am once again blown away even more. Thierry, you are a genius! That bio is a work of art. Not a mere accessory anymore. It is just crazy!
Thank you Tim! Your praises (like those of everybody, friends!:wink1:) go straight to my heart. :1-1:
... When you talk about genius, you speak well of a brand of washing powder, right?
:lecture... No, because otherwise I do not know if you have already tried to introduce a baloo in a magic lamp: it does not fit!!!... Even with a shoehorn or a kick in the butt... :D
... But what a brand of washing powder comes to make there? :rotfl
Thank you Tim! Your praises (like those of everybody, friends!:wink1:) go straight to my heart. :1-1:
... When you talk about genius, you speak well of a brand of washing powder, right?
:lecture... No, because otherwise I do not know if you have already tried to introduce a baloo in a magic lamp: it does not fit!!!... Even with a shoehorn or a kick in the butt... :D
... But what a brand of washing powder comes to make there? :rotfl

Genius my friend, not Genie! :lol
just don't let him get it :)
he continues selling them in different variants even today.
Oh, now I get it. He wants the price to be high so he could sell the recasts with a higher price, which would have to be with a lower price than the original. :nana:
is this one of tayler's masks?

if it is, he's evidently still selling 4 versions of it. i never got one so i wouldn't know either way.