HT original Predator- photo thread

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He's just yet another HT figure that manages to look cooler in person than in photos. Baloos mask combined with one or other of the dread mods will make it as perfect as I personally need it to be.
I'm pretty happy with mine. Haven't done any modes to it but I gotta say the baloo mask with the water heated dreads looks pretty fantastic.
Some photos I'd like to share of mine:







Nice pics! Love the color changing you did on them, makes them unique!

Side note, regarding the awesomeness of the P1 and the fact that I just read a couple of AvP books (Machiko stories), does anyone know if they have ever written any books about who the P1 was? Maybe it's all wrapped up in the Predator movie novel but I wasn't aware of one...just wondering if someone here was. :dunno
Nice pics! Love the color changing you did on them, makes them unique!

Side note, regarding the awesomeness of the P1 and the fact that I just read a couple of AvP books (Machiko stories), does anyone know if they have ever written any books about who the P1 was? Maybe it's all wrapped up in the Predator movie novel but I wasn't aware of one...just wondering if someone here was. :dunno

Good question. I haven't found anything in the graphic novels. It would be cool to know. I kinda like the idea that the P1 pred had actually been on earth for a couple hundred years. You know when Anna is talking about the old women in the village talking about stories of the demon that makes trophies of men and all that jazz. I was thinking, what if they are talking about the same predator? Its kinda assumed that different preds pass through fairly regularly but we really don't know when he actually arrives. The opening shot of him coming to earth could be many years in the past. We don't know for sure. Kind of an interesting idea...:lecture
Good question. I haven't found anything in the graphic novels. It would be cool to know. I kinda like the idea that the P1 pred had actually been on earth for a couple hundred years. You know when Anna is talking about the old women in the village talking about stories of the demon that makes trophies of men and all that jazz. I was thinking, what if they are talking about the same predator? Its kinda assumed that different preds pass through fairly regularly but we really don't know when he actually arrives. The opening shot of him coming to earth could be many years in the past. We don't know for sure. Kind of an interesting idea...:lecture

Excuse me up front as it's been a little while since I watched the film but did they ever say he had been there for a couple hondo's? Can't remember....

If it's anything like the books I read (different scenarios mind you) then maybe they used that particular jungle as a hunting ground and had for many years. That's what they did in the AvP books I read. They visit the planets every so many years to hunt. Kind of why I was wondering as it's a training program in the books I read...for younger hunters and teachers. Not a single Pred out in the middle of the jungle. Maybe he got stranded there from a hunting expedition?!?!? :dunno

Is that what you were saying or was there something else there that I was missing that was said in the movie?

I he had been there that long I wouldn't think that would make sense as something would have been reported about him before then wouldn't you think?
Excuse me up front as it's been a little while since I watched the film but did they ever say he had been there for a couple hondo's? Can't remember....

If it's anything like the books I read (different scenarios mind you) then maybe they used that particular jungle as a hunting ground and had for many years. That's what they did in the AvP books I read. They visit the planets every so many years to hunt. Kind of why I was wondering as it's a training program in the books I read...for younger hunters and teachers. Not a single Pred out in the middle of the jungle. Maybe he got stranded there from a hunting expedition?!?!? :dunno

Is that what you were saying or was there something else there that I was missing that was said in the movie?

I he had been there that long I wouldn't think that would make sense as something would have been reported about him before then wouldn't you think?

Maybe. But being that its a third world country with little to no interior access, except by helicopter or by foot, who knows. But yeah, maybe he got stranded. And whose to say he didn't travel to other areas of central and south america by foot. I mean the socio/environmental profile fits.(Its hot and there is always conflict.)
Maybe. But being that its a third world country with little to no interior access, except by helicopter or by foot, who knows. But yeah, maybe he got stranded. And whose to say he didn't travel to other areas of central and south america by foot. I mean the socio/environmental profile fits.(Its hot and there is always conflict.)

Good point! I guess he could have been like Caine from Kung Fu and wandered around a bit through various jungles leaving a path of flesh shells scattered until he met his match....DUTCH!
Hello everybody!
Here are the latest shots. Now that it's painted, I see all the faults that I will have to correct.




What do you think, friends?
I share EndIessRain's opinion. He probably means that because of the intricacy of details and the high quality of craftsmanship applies to that one tiny piece of mask, it's truly a shame just to buy ONE. I'd probably buy another as a 'backup' or something like that ;)

As a side note, I know people have mentioned this numerously baloo, but I honestly and sincerely think you make Hot Toys' Predator's accessory department look like a lazy bunch of kids who don't know what they're doing. You seem to invest so much effort and detail into just one accessory piece which is beyond anyone's expectations I can imagine. It would be expected that the mask is a trademark of the predator series and it is VERY important but still, THAT level of detail? I would have never expected that and I am truly glad that someone like you and TD are out there to make us who are more hardcore loyal to the series, extremely happy :D

Thanks Baloo!
I don't know if EPIC is a strong enough word for the sheer awesomess in this thread. That is insane! I had no idea there were so many details on the interior of his bio, and they are gloriously done by you Baloo.

