HT original Predator- photo thread

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Hello everybody!
Here are the latest shots. Now that it's painted, I see all the faults that I will have to correct.




What do you think, friends?

Wow! Looks great so far, Baloo.

Continuez votre excellent travail! Excusez mon mauvais français.
Bad French? Far from there, my friend: the little which I've seen is without for lack of no kind! And again: thank you! :duff
Rusty? What I should say then?! Arrived at my stage, even a bath of oil in the C3-PO way would not change much, hehe. :lol
is it a new sculpted mask or a ht mask and the in side just redone ?
entirely new sculpt, it doesn't look anything like the HT mask. more to the point - the HT mask doesn't look like the movie. this one does.
cool is it being sold? how much?
it is, and it'll be for sale when baloo is done with it. if you want one, ask to get registered for it.

not sure of the price at this point. it was quoted at $65 earlier, that may or may not change. it's up to baloo and he's put a lot of work into it since then. i'm not sweating the price and i'll pay whatever he asks and thank him for the privilege of giving him my $$.
@marker2037: thanks a lot, friend!
@Reinhardt: Haha... I think I will not be able any more to rest now!
A 1:1 bio mask? But it already exists, made by HCG, as it is my reference for the internal details...
Haha... That's nice, my friend... But I'm afraid that I feel more at ease with smaller things!
(It is especially that my wife would make war vs me if I was begining to put shavings and other dusty residues everywhere in the house :wink1:).
All you had to say is the wife. I understand! :lol That's why the new house we bought has a dedicated craft space in the basement for all my work!